

wam:wait a minute
f/m:female?or male
第1个回答  2010-08-24
比较少用,常用的好像就一个 You 用 U 替代。


第2个回答  2010-08-29
1ce once
2 to
26y4u too sexy for you
2b or not 2b = to be or not to be
2day today
2mor tomorrow
2moro tomorrow
2morrow tomorrow
2nite tonight
3sum threesome
4 for
4u for you
911 emergency - call me

asl age/sex/location
add address
afaIc as far as I’m concerned
afaik as far as i know
agreemt agreement
ain't am/is/are/have/has not
aIsI as I see It
aka also known as
algo I will go
a lotta a lot of
ambw all my best wishes
an' and
...'an ... than
aorta I ought to
aots all of the sudden
asap as soon as possible
atb all the best
atst at the same time
ayor at your own risk
aysos are you stupid or something

b be
b/c because
b4 before
b4n or bfn bye for now
bbIab be back In a bit
bbIaf be back In a few
bbl be back late(r) 稍后回来
bbs be back soon 很快回来
bcnu be seeing you
b'day birthday
betta had better
bf boyfriend 男朋友
bfd big fing deal
bfn bye for now
bhl8 be home late
bIf basis In fact
bil boss is listening
biz business
bm byte me
br bathroom
brb be right back 很快回来
bro brother
brt be right there
bs big smile
btdt been there done that
btsoom beats the sh out of me
btw by the way
btwbo be there with bells on
bwdIk but what do I know?
bwo black, white or other
buzz off buzz off

c see
cause because
certainly'd certainly had
cha you
'char which are
chillun children
'chiz which is
cid consider it done
cIo check It out
cIs compuserve Information service
cmf count my fingers
cmi call me
c'mon come on
cnicome can I come
coulda could have
coz because
csl can’t stop laughing
ctc choaking the chicken
ctr center
cu see you
cu @ see you around
cub l8r call you back later
cul see you later
cul8tr see you later
cuz because
cwyl chat with you later
cyr bos call your boss
cyr bro call your brother
cyr h call your husband
cyr ma call your mother
cyr ofis call your office
cyr pa call your father
cyr sis call your sister
cyr wf call your wife

d or de the
da the
dat that
dbeyr don’t believe everything you read
dd due diligence
ddd direct distance dial
dem them
dent did not
detI don’t even think It
dgt don’t go there
dhyb don’t hold your breath
did'ja did you
dis this
d'jeat did you eat
d'jyava did you have a
dkdc don’t know don’t care
dl download
dltm don’t lie to me
dqydj don’t quit you’re day job
drIb don’t read If busy
ds dunce smiley
dystsott did you see the size of that thing

doc doctor 医生
don doing
dunno do not know
dylm do you like me

eg = evil grin
eom = end of message
eso = equipment smarter than operator
ez easy
'er her

f2f face to face
f2t free to talk
favo favorite
faq frequently asked question
fbks failure between keyboard and seat
fe for example 举例
ff&pn fresh fields and pastures new
figrout figure out
foaf friend of a friend
forum for them
fotflol falling on the floor, laughing out loud
ft faint 晕
ftasb faster than a speeding bullet
ftf face to face 面对面
fttb for the time being
fu f*uck you=*你;滚
fulla full of
fyi for your infromation 供参考
f'yno if you know


第3个回答  2010-08-24




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