
there be+不定时
就有说了there be +不定时

“There be +句词词组”中,there为虚词,be后面的名词词组为句子的真正主语。该句式在使用时须注意如下几点:

一、There be句式表示“有”时,它表示一种存在关系,通常带有一个地点状语,意为“什么地方(时候)有……”。句式中的主语只能为表泛指的名词词组,此外,其主语还可以带前置或后置定语。例如:

1. There is a blackboard in the classroom.

2. There are five minutes to go.

3. There are two old women waiting for you at the gate.


1. There is room for improvement.

2. There are three apples on the table.

3. There was failure, a little success, a little more failure, a little more success.

4. There was only a textbook, a dictionary and two pens on the desk.

三、“There be +主语+不定式”中,不定式可以有主动和被动两种形式,不过在口语中主动形式更为常见。例如:

1. There is a letter to type today.

2. There is no time to lose.

3. There are many things to be done now.

四、There be句式中,be动词有各种变化形式。


1. There are a lot of people in the meeting-room.

2. There was little left.

3. There have been many such traffic accidents in the past few years.

4. When he got there, he found there had been no one waiting for him in the room.

5. Without air, there would he no living things.

6. There is going to be a storm tomorrow morning.

(2)There be句式中,be之前可以有情态动词。例如:

1. There may be some people who don”t like the film.

2. There used to be a temple in the village.

(3)在正式文体特别是文学中,There be句式中的be也可以用其它意义的动词或词组取代。它们通常是:exist, live, stand等表示存在或位置的动词;come, go, run, walk等表示运动或方向的动词以及certain to be, sure to be, appear to be, happen to be等词组。这种there存在句的谓语动词的人称、数的形式与主语须保持一致。例如:

1. Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea.

2. In front of the village there flows a stream.

3. There is sure to be a friend of mine in the hotel.

4. There happened to be no people in the room.

5. There doesn”t seem to be anything wrong with the radio.

(4)There be句式中,be前面还可以带其它动词的被动式,在使用中已形成了固定的句型,如:There is said to be(据说有……);There is thought to be(据认为有……);There is believed to be(据信有……)等。例如:

1. There is believed to be some people alive under the ruins. 有人认为废墟下仍有人活着。

2. There will be expected to be an official report about the accident very soon. 预计很快就会有对此次事故的官方报道。

五、There be句式变疑问句时,要把there看作语法上的主语,不要管be后面作主语的名词词组。例如:

1. Is there any hope of getting the job?

2. There is nothing wrong with your watch, is there?

六、There be句式的非谓语形式有两个:一个是there to be;另一个是there being。它们的用法如下:

(1)there to be 形式作介词for的宾语;若为其它介词,则用there being形式。例如:

They planned for there to be another meeting. 他们打算再开一个会。

He was disappointed at there being so little to do. 他对没什么可做感到失望。

(2)there to be 和there being都可以作某些动词的宾语,其区别在于:一般用不定式作宾语的动词多与there to be搭配;一般用动名词作宾语的动词则用there being来作宾语。例如:

I would not like there to be any mistake. 我不希望有任何的错误。

Do you expect there to be any objection to our suggestion? 你认为会有人反对我们的建议吗?

You can imagine there being a hot discussion about it. 你可以想像得到人们对此会有一场激烈的讨论。

(3)there being和there to be都可以作主语,但there to be之前要与for搭配,这种情况多见于it作形式主语的结构中。例如:

There being a bus stop so near the house is a great advantage. 离房子这么近就有一个公共汽车站真是太便利了。

It was strange for there to be so few people in the church. 教堂里人这么少真是奇怪。

(4)在句首作状语表示原因、条件等,用there being。若它的动作发生在谓语动词之前,则使用其完成式there having been。例如:

There being nothing else to do, I went to bed. (表示原因)

There having been no rain, the ground was dry. (表示原因)

There being another chance, I”ll do it better. (表示条件)

七、含有there be的几个特殊句型。

(1)There be no + V-ing形式。例如:

1. There was no knowing when he would be back.

2. Sorry. There”s no smoking in the waiting-room.

(2)There be no need (for sb) to do sth。例如:

There is no need for him to come.

(3)There be no use + V-ing形式。例如:

There is no use asking her, she doesn”t know anything.

(4)There is no doubt about sth/ There is no doubt that。例如:

1. There is no doubt about it.

2. There can be no doubt that China belongs to the Third World.
第1个回答  2010-08-22
there be句型主要表达“某处有某物`某人或某事”,有时也表示强调。there无实义,单复数形式遵循就近原则。不定式表示未发生的事,综合起来,there be to do就表示一件事将要发生但未发生
第2个回答  2010-08-22
不明白你到底要问什么。THERE BE结构就是那样子用,你可以举些例子,说说哪里不懂我们才好给你解答



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