
1.公共假日 a public holiday
2.特别的事情 anything/something special
3.度假 take a vacation
4.…的开始 the start of…
5.在同一天 on the same date
6.在一个不同的日子 on a different date
7.去野营 go camping
8.结束 be over
9.去海边 go tho the beach
10.开始上课 start classes
11.从…倒数到… count down from… to …
12.聚会 get together
13.许下新年的愿望make New Year’s resolutions
14.遵守诺言 follow the resolutions
15.全世界all over the world

1.This is Chinese public holiday.
2.Do you have anything special to tell me?
3.I will go to take a vacation next week.
5.I will deal with this things on the same date.
6.I don't want to deal with this things on the different date.
7.I will go to camping.
8.Everything is be over.我不清楚这句话我造的多或不对,不好意思。
9.I wanna go to the beach go on vacation.
10.I wanna start my classes.
11.I wanna count down from ten to one.
12.I wanna get together with you.
13.I wanna make New Year's resolutions.
14.Please follow you resolutions.
15.I wanna take a vacation all over the world.
第1个回答  2010-08-10
1. mum promise to take to hongkong when there's a public holiday
2. i allow jim to phone me if only there's something special or urgent.
3. Joe need to take a vacation so that he can relax himself from stress.
4. the start of success is the end of miscarry.
5. we're going to camping on the same date.
6. i cant met wendy because we depart on a different date.
7. i would like to go camping if amy is willing to company me.
8. let it be over, it's not a fair relationship after all.
9.dicky wants to go to the beach for a surf.
10. we're going to start classes 8 o'clock in the morning.
11. lets count down from 1 to 3, before the bell rang.
12. i'm planning to get together with secondary friend next week.
13. jenny make a new year's resolution secretly herself.
14. i promise that i'll follow the resolutions and not to break it unleast u told me to.
15. she planned to travel all over the world when she save enough money.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2010-08-08





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