请告知下句准确的英文翻译 谢谢

我已经将新的有效期转告用户了,这样他们有更多的时间来准备资金了。用户告诉我 资金审批通过后 会通知我们。

I already informed the new validity to customer.So that they have more time to prepare capital. Customer tell me that they will notice us after funding got the approval.

我就是做外贸的 ,楼主 请斟酌!
第1个回答  2010-08-11
I have passed on the new period of validity to our clients, so that they can have more time to raise funds. The clents tell me that they will inform us of the examination and approval of the funds.
第2个回答  2010-08-11
I have already conveyed the validity of the new users, and so they have more time to prepare a capital. Users tell me that funding approval will notify us through.
第3个回答  2010-08-11
I have already conveyed the users of validity so that they have more time to prepare a capital. Users tell me that funding have approval will notice us.



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