英语作文《the famous rabbit tortoise race》


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以下是三篇以《the famous rabbit tortoise race》为题的英语作文,供大家参考。




Title: The Famous Rabbit Tortoise Race

Once upon a time, there was a famous race between a rabbit and a tortoise. The rabbit was very confident in his speed, while the tortoise was determined to win by perseverance. At the beginning of the race, the rabbit quickly took the lead and decided to take a nap since he thought he had plenty of time to win. However, the tortoise continued to move slowly but steadily, and eventually won the race.

This story teaches us that slow and steady wins the race. It is important to have confidence in ourselves, but we should not underestimate our opponents or be too overconfident. Perseverance and determination are also crucial in achieving our goals.


1. Confidence - 名词,自信或确定感

2. Perseverance - 名词,尽管困难或延迟而坚持做某事

3. Overestimate - 动词,高估某物的价值








The Famous Rabbit Tortoise Race

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit and a tortoise who decided to have a race. The rabbit was very confident in his speed and thought he would easily win the race. The tortoise, on the other hand, was slow but steady.

At the start of the race, the rabbit quickly jumped ahead and was soon out of sight of the tortoise. Feeling overconfident, the rabbit decided to take a nap while he waited for the tortoise to catch up. However, he slept for too long and when he woke up, he realized that the tortoise had already crossed the finish line.

This unexpected turn of events taught the rabbit an important lesson about being too confident and underestimating his opponent. From then on, the rabbit learned to respect the tortoise's determination and perseverance.


    Confident - adj. 自信的

    Tortoise - n. 乌龟

    Steady - adj. 稳定的

    Overconfident - adj. 过于自信的

    Perseverance - n. 毅力









Title: The Famous Rabbit Tortoise Race

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit and a tortoise who decided to have a race. The rabbit was known for his speed, while the tortoise was known for his slow and steady pace. 

At the start of the race, the rabbit quickly took the lead and soon became overconfident in his abilities. He decided to take a nap halfway through the race, thinking that he had plenty of time to catch up if needed. 

Meanwhile, the tortoise continued to slowly but steadily make his way towards the finish line. When the rabbit woke up from his nap, he was shocked to find that the tortoise was almost at the finish line. He started running as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise had won the race. 

This story teaches us the importance of being consistent and not underestimating our opponents. It's not always about being the fastest or the strongest, but rather about being steady and persistent in our efforts.

Difficult words:

    Overconfident - Adjective, having too much confidence in oneself; overly self-assured.


2. Steady - Adjective, firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving. 


3. Persistent - Adjective, continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. 








第1个回答  2022-05-17
We all know that the rabbit lost the first race against the tortoise.After that the rabbit decided to have a second race.This time he didn’t sleep and won because he was good at running.However,the tortoise didn’t give up.He had a third race with the rabbit.There was a river on the way.The tortoise swam across it quickly and won.The story does not end here.In the last race they took turns to put each on the back and reached the finishing point together.
From the story I have learned that with teamwork all of us can achieve success.
第2个回答  2023-06-12
Once upon a time, there was a famous race between a rabbit and a tortoise. The rabbit, known for its incredible speed, was confident of winning, while the tortoise was determined to prove that slow and steady could also succeed.
As the race began, the rabbit sprinted ahead, leaving the tortoise far behind. The rabbit was so confident in its speed that it decided to take a nap under a tree. Meanwhile, the tortoise plodded along at its own slow pace, never losing sight of the finish line.
When the rabbit woke up, it was surprised to find the tortoise not too far away. Determined to catch up, the rabbit dashed forward with all its might. However, in its haste, the rabbit failed to notice a slippery patch on the ground and ended up sliding off the track.
As the tortoise steadily approached the finish line, the spectators cheered in amazement. Against all odds, the tortoise had overtaken the rabbit and was on the verge of winning the race. With each slow but steady step, the tortoise crossed the finish line, victorious.
This famous race teaches us valuable lessons. It reminds us that overconfidence and complacency can lead to failure, while determination and persistence can bring success. It emphasizes the importance of consistency and perseverance, regardless of our natural abilities or limitations.
Furthermore, the story teaches us not to judge others based solely on their appearances or initial disadvantages. The tortoise, despite being slow, demonstrated great perseverance and ultimately triumphed over the swift and overconfident rabbit.
In our own lives, we may encounter challenges and setbacks. The story of the rabbit and the tortoise encourages us to remain focused on our goals, even when faced with difficulties. It reminds us that every step forward, no matter how small, brings us closer to our desired destination.
So, let us learn from the famous rabbit-tortoise race. Let us embrace the tortoise's spirit of perseverance and determination, knowing that slow and steady progress can lead to great achievements.



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