求Westlife的on my shoulder中文歌词和英文歌词!


On My Shoulder(我温暖的肩膀)
Nah nah nah nah nahhAll around the world 走遍世界的尽头
All around the world 踏遍世界的角落
Someone needs somebody 每个人都需要爱情的滋润
Let me be your shield 让我成为你的守护
All around the world 走遍世界的尽头
All around the world 踏遍世界的角落
Someones feeling lonely 总有人感到寂寞孤单
But I know you never will 但有了我你不会感到孤单
Cos when it all gets too much 因为一切尽在不言中
Put your head down on my shoulder 把头靠在我肩膀
A little warmth when it gets colder 我的温暖会融化你
Now I dont know the things that your going through 你的小小世界里有我太多不了解的事
But you can put your head down 但是你只要把头
On my shoulder 靠在我肩膀
Wear the storm till it blows over 我就会融化你心头的冰霜
I know your there for me too 我知道你也在等待我
So I’ll be there for you 你也一定知道我在为你守候
Your waiting for a change 你渴望改变
Your waiting for the day 你日夜等待
When all that you remember is with you once again 当所有的记忆都变成了永恒
There’s a long road ahead 前方的路
Stretches out for miles 延伸的如此遥远
And if u want some company 如果你希望有人作伴
Walk with me a while 我一定会在你身旁
Ohh and when the road gets too rough 哦 当路途险要
Put your head down on my shoulder 请把你的头放在我肩膀
A little warmth when it gets colder 我的温暖会融化你
Now I dont know the things that your going through 你的小小世界里有我太多不了解的事
But you can put your head down 但是你只要把头
On my shoulder 靠在我肩膀
Wear the storm till it blows over 我就会融化你心头的冰霜
I know your there for me too 我知道你也在等待我
So I’ll be there for you 你也一定知道我在为你守候
When it all gets too much... 一切尽在不言中
Put your head down on my shoulder 请把你的头放在我肩膀
Wear the storm till it blows over 我就会融化你心头的冰霜
Put your head down on my shoulder 请把你的头放在我肩膀
I know your there for me too 我知道你也在等待我
Put your head down on my shoulder 请把你的头放在我肩膀
So I’ll be there for you 你也一定知道我在为你守候
Nah nah nah nah nahh



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