

  美国派1 American Pie (1999)

  1,I am a virgin, I want to lose my virginity tonight.我还是处男, 我想在今晚失去童贞。

  Virgin 一般的感觉上指处女, 但我看电影里男生也这么说, 所以这个字也可以当作处男解. 后面的那句也很好的, lose one's virginity. 大家没事不要乱用啊。

  2,Shame on you.你真是可耻.

  要是你正在换衣服, 突然有个男生跑进来, 你要怎么说呢? 就是这句啦.。 Shame on you. 不国电影中的情节在说完这句之后有戏剧化的转变, 那个女生又接着说, You've seen mine, now I want to see yours. Strip. 哈.. 真有意思。(Strip 就是叫那个男生脱衣服啦 )

  3,You have to press her button in her heart.你必须要触动她的心旋。

  片中有个男生问一个女生要如何让她女朋友感动, 那个女孩就回答他, You have to press her button in her heart。这就好比是每个女孩心中都有那么一个按钮, 你必须找到那个按钮, 按下去你才会成功。

  4,If he got a dick, he is a guy.如果他有老二的话, 他就是男的。

  Dick 是男生小弟弟的另一称呼,这个字比另一个 p 开头的医学名视玫腻淼亩? p 开头的那个字听来实在不雅, 所以在日常的对话中比较少听到。

  5,You don't have any chance to score on me.你没有机会跟我有任何进展。

  这个也是棒球术语的一部份, score on me 意味着得分, 凡是男女朋友的关系有任何进展(多半是身体上的进展) 就称之为 score, 比方说男生出去约会回来, 他的好友可能就会好奇地问, "Did you score?"

  6,no comments无可奉告


  7,Do you want to shoot some hoops?要不要打篮球啊?

  打篮球最常用的说法应该是 play basketball, 不过在电影中我又学到另一个讲法, shoot some hoops。 (这个 hoop 就是蓝框). 另外如果老美说的是, "Do you want to shoot around?" 指的是大家单投投篮, 而不比赛算分数。不过shoot something 这种用法最常用在打撞球上, 撞球叫 pool, 所打撞球就叫 shoot some pool.。(pool 当撞球时为不可数名词, 不必加复数) 因此如果你想邀请老外打撞球, 你就可以说, "Do you want to shoot some pool?" (你要不要打撞球啊?)


  Finch: God bless the Internet.



  Chuck Sherman: I'm a sophisticated sex robot, sent back in time to change the future for one lucky lady.



  [talking about masturbation]

  Jim's Dad: It's like playing a tennis ball against a brick wall, which can be fun. It can be fun, but it's not a game.

  Jim: Right.

  Jim's Dad: It's not a game.

  Jim: No.

  Jim's Dad: What you want is a partner to return the ball.







  Michelle: This one time, at band camp……



  Jim's Mum: I think he's trying to watch one of the illegal channels.
  Jim: Jesus, Mom! They're not illegal! They're pay channels. How could a television channel be illegal?! God, get a clue!


  美国派2 American Pie 2 (2001) 精彩对白:


  美国派3:美国婚礼 American Wedding (2003)

  Jim: Michelle, you're the one woman I want to be with and the woman I can't be without. I love you !

  Michelle: Jim, I have trouble finding the words to tell you how I feel and I realize something. Love isn't just a feeling, Love is something you do. It's a dress, a visit to bandcamp, a speacial haircut. Jim you've give me everything I've ever wanted and It's my solemn vow to give everything I am to you.


  吉姆: 米歇尔,你是我想要的那些和我在一起的妇女,不能没有那妇女。 我爱你!

  米歇尔: 吉姆,我发现那些话告诉你我感到并且我意识到某些事情怎样有困难。 爱不只是一种感觉,爱是你做的某些事情。 它是一件服装,一次bandcamp的访问,一次专业的理发。 你有的吉姆给我我曾经想要并且给所有东西是我的庄严的誓约我是向你的所有东西。



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