完型填空 I took the bus to school every


I took the bus to school every day when I was in grade school. Alvin, our bus driver, came by every morning at 8:00 to pick us up.
We were lower income families. My parents barely made ends meet for them and five of us kids.

Alvin picked up around twenty kids in our area and dropped us off after school. About once a month he would make a stop at the local drive-in. Someone would come out and ask each of us if we wanted an ice cream or a drink. Alvin would pay for the whole bus out of his own pocket. The kindness that he showed was amazing. We didn't get treats like that too often and they are fondly remembered.

I remember him picking us up at the end of the school year and taking us to his home for a barn dance. He would provide drinks and chips for everyone.

Remembering the kindness he showed I called him up twenty years later and thanked him. I told him that he probably wouldn't remember me, but I sure remembered him! We didn't see much kindness from others as we grew up, so it made it all the more special.

I could hear the smile in his voice when he thanked me for calling.

He's the reason I do my best to show kindness to everyone I cross paths with. He's had such a huge impact in my life and I'm so thankful I was able to tell him
- See more at: http://www.kindspring.org/story/view.php?sid=37145#sthash.nl6wbUVZ.dpuf
第1个回答  2014-03-02
【答案】61. driver 62. poor 63. six 64. asked 65. his 66. kindness 67. happily
68. thanked 69. remembered 70. best
第2个回答  2014-01-03
I took the bus to shool every day (每天)/morning (每天早晨).
第3个回答  2014-01-03
every morning或是every day。既然是完形填空,肯定有选项的啊
第4个回答  2014-01-03
I take the bus to school every day



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