
After leaving the university, I spent nearly five years researching a book on leadership. My goal was to find these leaders’ common traits, a task that required more probing than I had expected. For a while, I sensed much more diversity than commonality among them. The group included both rational and intuitive thinkers; some who are well-spoken, articulate speakers and laconic, inarticulate ones; some aggressive types and some who were the opposite.
After several years of observation and conversation, I defined four competencies evident to some extent in every member of the group: management of attention, management of meaning, management of trust, and management of self. The first trait apparent in these leaders is their ability to draw others to them, not just because they have a vision but because they communicate an extraordinary focus of commitment. Leaders manage attention through a compelling vision that brings others to a place they have not been before.

After leaving the university, I spent nearly five years researching a book on leadership. My goal was to find these leaders’ common traits, a task that required more probing than I had expected. For a while, I sensed much more diversity than commonality among them. The group included both rational and intuitive thinkers; some who are well-spoken, articulate speakers and laconic, inarticulate ones; some aggressive types and some who were the opposite.
After several years of observation and conversation, I defined four competencies evident to some extent in every member of the group: management of attention, management of meaning, management of trust, and management of self. The first trait apparent in these leaders is their ability to draw others to them, not just because they have a vision but because they communicate an extraordinary focus of commitment. Leaders manage attention through a compelling vision that brings others to a place they have not been before.



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