

星夜》(荷兰语:De sterrennacht)是荷兰后印象派画家文森特·梵高于1889年在法国圣雷米的一家精神病院里创作的一幅著名油画,是画家的代表作之一,现藏纽约现代艺术博物馆。作为表现性的后印象主义画家梵高的作品,这幅画有很强的笔触。油画中的主色调蓝色代表不开心、阴沉的感觉。很粗的笔触代表忧愁。画中景象是一个望出窗外的景象。画中的树是柏树,但画得像黑色火舌一般,直上云端,令人有不安之感。天空的纹理像涡状星系,并伴随众多星点,而月亮则是以昏黄的月蚀形式出现。整幅画中,底部的村落是以平直、粗短的线条绘画,表现出一种宁静;但与上部粗犷弯曲的线条却产生强烈的对比,在这种高度夸张变形和强烈视觉对比中体现出了画家躁动不安的情感和迷幻的意象世界。[1]梵高生前非常欣赏日本浮世绘《冨岳三十六景》中的《神奈川冲浪里》,而《星夜》中天空的涡状星云画风被认为参考并融入了《神奈川冲浪里》的元素。

The Starry Night is an oil on canvas by the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. Painted in June, 1889, it depicts the view from the east-facing window of his asylum room atSaint-Rémy-de-Provence, just before sunrise, with the addition of an idealized village.[1][2][3] It has been in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York City since 1941, acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest. It is regarded as among Van Gogh's finest works, and one of the most recognized monuments in the history of Western culture.

Although The Starry Night was painted during the day in Van Gogh's ground-floor studio, it would be inaccurate to state that the picture was painted from memory. The view has been identified as the one from his bedroom window, facing east,[3][14][15][16] a view which Van Gogh painted variations of[3] no fewer than twenty-one times, including The Starry Night.[17] "Through the iron-barred window," he wrote to his brother, Theo, around 23 May 1889, "I can see an enclosed square of wheat . . . above which, in the morning, I watch the sun rise in all its glory."[3]
Van Gogh depicted the view at different times of day and under various weather conditions, including sunrise, moonrise, sunshine-filled days, overcast days, windy days, and one day with rain. The hospital staff did not allow Van Gogh to paint in his bedroom, but he was able to make sketches in ink or charcoal on paper,[18] and eventually he would base newer variations on previous versions. The pictorial element uniting all of these paintings is the diagonal line coming in from the right depicting the low rolling hills of the Alpilles mountains. In fifteen of the twenty-one versions, cypress trees are visible beyond the far wall enclosing the wheat field. Van Gogh telescoped the view in six of these paintings, most notably in Wheat Field with Cypresses and The Starry Night, bringing the trees closer to the picture plane.[19][20]



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