
1they came up with a good ideal at last 2 we often give many book to kinds in poor areas 3 the teacher has handed out math papers 4we call Timmey Bike boy 5 who took away my ruler? 6he is cheecking his exercises 顺便问下改为被动句有哪些要注意的?

1A good idea was come up with by them at last他们最终想出了一个好主意
2 Many books are often given to kids in the poor areas by us或者
kids in poor areas are often given many books by us我们经常把书送给贫困地区的孩子们
3 Maths papers have been handed out by the teacher老师已分发了数学卷
4 Timmey is called Bike boy by us 我们把Timmey称为自行车男孩
5 Whom was my ruler taken away by我的尺被谁拿走了
6 His exercises are being checked by him他正在检查他的练习题
只有及物动词才有被动语态,不及物动词加介词相当于及物动词可以有被动语态,变为被动语态时不要把介词丢了;make, have,watch, see,hear等使役动词或感官动词后面的动词不定式要省略to,但由主动句变为被动句仍然要带to如
We heared the girl sing变为被动语态
The girl was heared to sing by us
第1个回答  2010-01-06
1 A good idea was came up fron them at last
2 Many books of us are often given to kids in poor areas
3 math papers have been handed out by the teacher
4Timmey was called Bike boy by us
5 who was my ruler taken away to?
6 his exercises is being checked by him
第2个回答  2010-01-06
1.A good idea was come up with by them at last.最后一个他们想到一个好的想法
2.Many books are given to kids in poor areas by us.我们常常把很多书送给贫困地区的小朋友
3.Math papers have been handed out by the teacher.老师已经分发好数学试卷
4.Timmey is called Bike boy by us.我们称Timmey为Bike boy
6.His exercises is being checked by him.他正在检查他的练习题
第3个回答  2010-01-06
1.A good idea was come up with by them at last.
2.Many books are given to kids in poor areas by us.
3.Math papers have been handed out by the teacher.
4.Timmey is called Bike boy by us.
5.Whom was my ruler taken away by?
6.His exercises is being checked by him.



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