

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, to a certain extent, reflect the human behavior and mental activities, the common law. From the human needs of Maslow's motivation to explore and study of human behavior, captured the crux of the matter; Maslow pointed out that the man's needs are met by the continuous development of low-level to senior, and this trend is basically in line with the need to develop laws. Therefore, the hierarchy of needs theory to business managers how to effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of people have rung a bell.
Maslow's theory of the demand is divided into physiological needs, security needs, social needs, to respect the needs and self-actualization needs of five, followed by a lower level to a higher level.
A person first need to physiological needs. This is the survival of human beings to maintain the most basic requirements, including requirements for the following things: food, water, air. If these needs are not met, the physiology of the human person can not operate normally. In other words, human life would be so threatened. In this sense, the physical needs first and foremost is to promote the movement of people power. Such as ordinary workers doing manual labor, they just be satisfied with sufficient food and clothing.
Meet the physical needs, we must consider the security needs. Security requirements, including physical security, life and stability and freedom from suffering, threats or disease needs. And physiological needs, as in before the security needs are not being met, there only concern is that this demand. For example for many workers, the security needs for security and stable performance as well as medical insurance, unemployment insurance and retirement benefits. Also, we buy all kinds of insurance, but also to meet the security needs.
When the physiological needs and security needs have been met, the social demand will stand out, and social needs include friendship, love and affiliation needs. Everyone needs partners, colleagues, or maintain a harmonious relationship between the friendship and loyalty; everyone wants love, hope the love of others, is also eager to accept other people's love. Other people have a vested in a group of feelings, hopes to become a member of the group, and the mutual concern and care. For example, some social activities and make new friends in various fields, so that can help themselves get better development.
When a person's social circle is large enough, it will be the need to respect. Respect for the needs of both pairs of achievement or sense of self-worth individuals, but also other people's recognition and respect for their own. To respect the needs of people who want others to follow their real image to accept them and think they have the ability, can competently. They care about achievements, reputation, status and promotion prospects. For example, should pay special attention to motivate staff to respect the needs of management personnel, rewards and recognition should be taken to a public way. Layout work should be special emphasis on the difficulty of the required skilled and successful techniques.
Medal of Honor awarded in recognition of the company's publications published articles announcing the honor roll and other outstanding staff can raise awareness with the segment of their pride in their work.
Finally, self-actualization needs. The goal of self-actualization needs of self-realization, or their potential. Realm of people to achieve self-realization. Maslow proposed that in order to meet the needs of self-realization approach is taken to vary the. Self-actualization needs are in the efforts to achieve their potential, so that he is increasingly making itself the desired figure. For example, in order to make work meaningful, emphasizing self-fulfillment manager, will take into account in the design work, the use of strategies to adapt to complex situations, give great talent who commissioned a special task to develop their talent,
Or in the design process and develop an implementation plan for the employee groups, leave room.
第1个回答  2010-01-05
Maslow's hierarchy theory of needs in a certain extent, reflects human behavior and mental activities of common law. Starting from the people's needs maslow's exploration of human behavior, and the key problems caught, Maslow's needs are pointed out to develop continuously, this trend basically accord with law of development needs. Therefore, the hierarchy theory of needs of enterprise managers to effectively arouse people's enthusiasm has inspired.
Maslow's theory, the physiological needs, safety requirements into social needs, requirements, self realization needs and demands respect by five categories, low level to a higher level.
One of the first to physiological needs. This is the most human maintain their survival on the basic requirements, including the following things: food, water and air. If these need not satisfy human physiological functions, the individual is not normal operation. In short, the human life would be so threatened. In this sense, the physiological needs is the first people to action. Such as ordinary workers do manual work, they only satisfies in food enough.
Meet the physiological needs, will consider security needs. Safety requirements for safety, including stable life and freedom from pain, threat or disease needs. And physiological needs, in safety requirements are not satisfied, people only concern is the demand. As for many employees, safety requirements for safety and stability and have medical insurance, unemployment insurance and retirement benefits, etc. Also, we are buying insurance is to meet safety requirements.
When the physiological requirements and security needs unmet needs, will highlight social, social demand for friendship, love, and includes the subordinate relationship needs. Everyone needs partners, between the harmonious relationship between the colleague or maintain friendship and loyalty, Everyone wants to find love, hope, and love others to accept love from others. Other people have a kind of belonging to a group of feelings, hopes to become a member of the group, and mutual concern and care. Some social activities and make friends in various fields, so we can help themselves better development.
When a person is big enough, the circle will respect the need. Respect the demand for both the individual achievements or self value sense, also including others of their recognition and respect. Have respect for the needs of their people hope others according to actual image to accept them, and that they have the ability to work. Their concern is success and fame, status and promotion opportunity. For example, in motivating employee should pay special attention to have respect for the needs and public management personnel should adopt the mode of reward and recognition. Decorate work should emphasize the difficulty of the work and the skill needed to succeed. Awarded honor at the company, the articles published in the journal published excellent employees, praised by all honor roll etc for your job can improve people's pride.
Finally the need. The goal is to self realization needs self realization, or potential. Achieve self-fulfillment realm. Maslow, to meet the needs of self realization ways to differ. The need is in efforts to achieve their potential, make oneself become their expectations. For example, in order to make the working sense, stressed self realization of managers in design work, consider using adaptive complex situation will give special skills and strategies of special task assigned by talent, or in the design work procedures and formulate plans for employees when onservative group.
第2个回答  2010-01-06



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