问几道初二英语奥赛题 在线等啊!!!

1.Ed is telling me all about it.(用tomorrow改写)
Ed____ ____ ____ ____me all about it tomorrow.
(1)This computer is more expensive than the other two.
This computer is ____ ____ ____ of the ____.
(2)Mike says he won't do it again.
Mike says he won't do it ____ ____.
Dear Tony,
How____ your day off?Did you have fun ____?I didn't have ____ very fun day.I visited my cousins.____ rained all day.In the morning.I stayed in the house and watched videos,played computer games,and read.In the afternoon,Uncle Martin put some of____ old things____ in the yard and had a yard sale!Unfortunately,it was kind of boring.____ came to the sale____ the weather was so bad.
See you soon,
an,because,her,no one,camp,be,it,a,out,everyone,he

1.Ed is telling me all about it.(用tomorrow改写)
Ed will be telling me all about it tomorrow.
(1)This computer is more expensive than the other two.
This computer is the more expensive of the three.
(2)Mike says he won't do it again.
Mike says he won't do it any more.
Dear Tony,
How is your day off?Did you have fun today? I didn't have a very fun day.I visited my cousins.It rained all day.In the morning.I stayed in the house and watched videos,played computer games,and read.In the afternoon,Uncle Martin put some of the old things in in the yard and had a yard sale!Unfortunately,it was kind of boring.Nobody came to the sale and the weather was so bad.
See you soon,
第1个回答  2010-02-04
is going to tell
the most expensive three
any more

is camping a it his out no one because
第2个回答  2010-02-04
is going to tell
the most expensive one three
any more
第3个回答  2010-02-04
1.Ed is telling me all about it.(用tomorrow改写)
Ed is going to tell me all about it tomorrow.

(1)This computer is more expensive than the other two.
This computer is the most expensive of the three. (其实of改成among更合适,不过在这题里面这样填应该是最合适的了。)
(2)Mike says he won't do it again.
Mike says he won't do it any more.
Dear Tony,
How was (这个地方要用过去式)your day off? Did you have fun camping? I didn't have a very fun day.I visited my cousins.It rained all day.In the morning.I stayed in the house and watched videos,played computer games,and read.In the afternoon,Uncle Martin put some of his (答案里面貌似没有the或者his,但是上下文看只能是这两个字之一)old things out in the yard and had a yard sale!Unfortunately,it was kind of boring.No one came to the sale because the weather was so bad.

See you soon,




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