翻译句子:1.昨天孩子们在公园玩得很高兴.(have fun)

2.我妹妹每天都喝许多牛奶(lots of)
3.你准备好你的生日聚会了吗(be ready for)

Chidren had fun in park yesterday.
My sister has lots of milk everyday.
Are you ready for you birthday party?
Do you want to make friends with me?
第1个回答  2014-01-09
kids had fun in the park yesterday
my younger sister drinks lots of milk every day
are you ready for your birthday party?
would you like to make friends with me?
第2个回答  2014-01-09
1:Yesterday,kids had fun in the park.
2:My little sister drinks lots of milk everyday.
3:Are you ready for your birthday party.
4:Would you mind making friends with me.
第3个回答  2014-01-09
My sister drinks lots of milk everyday.
Are you ready for your birthday party?
Do you want to make friend with me?



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