

一次,我坐在沙发上漫不经心地翻着妈妈带回来的《儿童文学》,一篇文章把我迷住了,这是在写一个小女孩——悉妮,因先天性耳聋听不见声音,也不会说话,但她并没有因为自己的残疾而认为自己已经是没有用的人了,她依靠助听器和爸爸妈妈的辅导学习,凭着自己顽强的毅力,永不放弃的精神,慢慢地她学会了发音,慢慢地她实现了自己跟正常人一样发音说话的梦想。这其中,她受把无数的委曲,流下了 不少泪水。就如有一次她爸爸妈妈教她CI这个音时,她学了半天还是没学会,爸爸妈妈不理解,以为悉妮偷懒不专心,便拿起把鞭子使劲地抽打她,悉妮只有默默地流下了伤心的泪水。其实她是天性发不出CI这着音的呀!她常常因为这事挨父母的打骂和批评,在外还经常遭到同龄孩子的歧视,但她仍然努力在逆境中锻炼自己,努力地追求着听见声音,发音标准的梦想。
译A good book is a sun, one thousand books is the one thousand round of the sun, shiningQianyang shining in our growth direction. As the saying goes: "gold" is not really false, when you read the book, you will learn a lot of knowledge, know a lot of truth in life, become a noble moral character, style of writing is outstanding people.
Once, I sat on the sofa, casually turn her back "children's Literature", an article fascinated me, this is to write a little girl - Xi Ni, due to congenital deafness not hear, nor speak, but she did not because of their disability that they is a useless person, she relied on aid to mom and dad counseling learning, with their tenacious perseverance, the spirit of never giving up,slowly she learn pronunciation, slowly she realized his talk with normal person pronunciationdream. This one, she was in the numerous winding, shed a lot of tears. As she once mom and dad taught her the CI sound, she learned a long time or not to, mom and Dad don't understand, think Sidney lazy do not concentrate, they picked up the whip violently beaten her, Sidney only silently shed tears of sorrow. In fact, she is not the nature of CI sound! She often because it is next to the parents of the beatings and criticism, often by children in thesame age discrimination, but she is still hard in the face of adversity to exercise their own, topursue of hearing the voice pronunciation dream.
After reading this article, I understand only persevere, to win, not only hard work can get rid of evil. From now on, I will further difficulties encountered in learning to find ways toovercome, go forward, never give up. And I came to like the "children's literature".



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