翻译 古今成大事业者

翻译 古今成大事业者


第1个回答  2010-02-08
persons accomplish anything and of profound knowledge in ancient and modern times must pass three states:Westerly winds withered trees up last night. Climbing up the stairs and being lonely on the loft, I overlooked the endless distance.This is the first one.I find my gown too large, but I will not regret; it's worthwhile growing languid for my dear coquette.This is second one.Up and down the main streets, I must have run- A thousand times or more in quest of one, Who I have concluded, cannot be found; For, everywhere, no trace of her can be seen, When, all of a sudden, I turned about, That's her, where lanterns are few and far.This is the third one.These sentences can not be said but famous poet.However,explain these words in this way can not be done but Yan and Ou gentlemen thus.

第2个回答  2010-02-08
The cause of those ancient and modern, National Cheng Kung University, the University asked who must go through three kinds of state: "last night, the west wind withered Bishu, alone on the high-rises, monopoly Tianya way." This is also the first mirror. "Getting wide belt she does not regret the end, in order to eliminate the Iraqi people have withered." Habitat is also this second. "People look for him inside the thousands of degrees, had raised natural looking back, that people have at sometime in the lights." This is also the third territory. None of these words Big words can not Tao. Ran as a point of explaining various words, for fear of Yan, Europe and the gentlemen are not allowed to have



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