

一、英语单词:hope, want, wish, expect
1. 我希望简洁明了,抓住重点。
I hope to be concise and to the point.
2. 希望老师集中精力培养学生的阅读、写作和计算技能。
Ministers who want teachers to concentrate on the three Rs (reading, writing, and arithmetic).
3. 如果你希望亲自为家人及朋友按摩的话...
If you wish to massage your family and friends yourself...
4. 希望在酒店里天天有干净毛巾用的客人,有多少会在家里每天洗烫自己的毛巾呢?
How many guests who expect clean towels every day in an hotel would launder their own every day at home?
5. 我们将分析她告诉我们的所有事情,希望能找出罪魁祸首。
We will be analyzing all the things she has told us in the hope that we can locate the person responsible.
6. 反对派发言人说他希望协议能够让他们仔细想想暴力行为毫无意义。
An opposition spokesman said he hoped the agreement would give them pause for thought about the futility of violence.
7. 我们唯有希望这些大象能够康复。
We can only hope that the elephants can recover.
8. 俄罗斯政府迫切希望和美国政府保持一致。
Moscow is eager to stay in step with Washington.
9. 你希望我犯一些可以让你利用的错误。
Your hope was that I'd make some exploitable mistake.
10. 她给他留言说希望跟他在一起。
She messaged him saying she wished they were together.
11. 他们希望能够弥合和父亲之间的裂痕。
They hope to heal the rift with their father.
12. 我希望能够进行一段时间的休假。
I hope to take a period of leave.
13. 杰克·肯尼迪代表了20世纪60年代的全部希望。
Jack Kennedy embodied all the hopes of the 1960s.
14. 政府希望确保这些会议公平公正。
The government wants to ensure the meetings are fair and公正.
15. 他们希望提升部队的士气。
They hope to boost the morale of their troops.



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