

Book 3 & Book 4
11-15 CBCCA 16-20CBACB
21-25 BBAAD 26-30CBDBC
31-35 AACBC 36-40FEGAB
41-45 ACDBB 46-50CAADD
51-55 BDCAB 56-60ACDAD
61. an 62.achievement
63. winning 64.touched
65. took 66.both
67. hardest 68.when
69. to become 70. at
71. ... write the letter ... the → a
72. I immediate decided ... immediate → immediately
73. ... Mary, that was ... that → who
74. ... for a social one. for → to
75. ... too shy that ... too → so
76. ... make friend with ...
friend → friends
77. ... for a great friend ... for后加being
78. It takes me ... takes → took
79. ... I gave in ... 去掉in
80. ... but she said she ... but → and
One possible version:
In order to promote the understanding ofinternational relations and global affairs, a Model UN Conference will be heldin our school.
All the students of Senior One and SeniorTwo are welcome to attend the conference. Every team made up of three studentswill work together to state their opinions in English on a certain issue onbehalf of a country. The conference participants will debate over the issues,vote on them and finally approve some resolutions. Anyone who wants to takepart in the activity please go to the office of the Students' Union to sign up.The deadline is Sep. 21st, 2015.
We are looking forward to meeting you atthe conference.
English Club
21. B。细节理解题。由第二段末的it doesn't have a cure可知。
22. B。词义猜测题。由第四段末的It's my pet dog, and he's on the loose及第五段末的I was only joking — and they'd smile可知,作者故意骗医院的护士们说自己的宠物狗不见了,以此来捉弄护士们。故划线部分的意思是“捉弄,以……开玩笑”。
23. A。推理判断题。由最后一段的I got huge laughs可推断,作者关于他的结肠的表演很有趣。
24. A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段开头的I know that a lot of the details about IBD are very unpleasant, butI don't focus on that part. If you try, you can see the funny side ofeverything及作者拿护士开玩笑、表演独角滑稽秀的事例可推断,作者是一个非常乐观的人。
25. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的emulate a range of musical instru-
ments as people swing及they are rewarded with a perfectlypleasant tune可知,该秋千最特别之处在于它可以播放音乐。
26. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的there is one rule required to reach the activation of The Swings — people must cooperate及第二段中的you need to adjust to theactions of others可知,该秋千主要是鼓励人们合作。
27. B。推理判断题。由第四段开头的The project began in 2011, when the Montreal entertainment districtwas looking for a way to attract visitors可推断,最初设计该秋千的目的是吸引游客,推动旅游业的发展。
28. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的Salt lowers the freezing temperature of water and thus melts snowand ice可知,道路用盐通过降低水的冰点使冰雪融化。
29. B。细节理解题。由第二段开头的The biggest concern with road salt is how it affects waterquality可知。
30. C。推理判断题。由第四段的Roadsides can also turn into a sort of artificial salt lick thatwould be attractive to animals. As a result, they run a higher risk of becomingroad kill. Birds are common victims, as well可推断,鸟类常在舔食道路用盐时被路上的交通工具碾压致死。
31. A。段落大意题。由最后一段中的there are plenty of ways that road crews can cut back on their saltusage及下文列举的方法可知,本段主要讲如何用较少的道路用盐达到融化冰雪的效果,也就是如何更有效地使用道路用盐。
32. A。细节理解题。由第一段开头的I always pictured myself ... even having a cute little place of myown可知。
33. C。细节理解题。由第三段可知,作者为读本科和研究生欠下了利息高昂的巨额债务,为尽快偿还贷款,她决定和父母住在一起。
34. B。推理判断题。由第四段末的Our co-workers in the medical field think it is a great idea ...they would do the same thing可推断,作者的同事赞成她和父母住在一起。
35. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的Some people might assume that we are too lazy to find a job. I don'tthink my neighbors understand it可推断,邻居们让作者照顾孩子是因为他们以为作者是因为没有工作才住在父母的家里。
36. F。F项与上文的A lot ofparents help their kids do homework and study for school相呼应。
37. E。下文提到参与作弊的人受到了惩罚——部分学生被开除、一些人被拘留。故E项最恰当。
38. G。上文的India's best universities will take only students with a 95 percentscore or better与G项是因果关系。
39. A。下文的About 30 percent of its citizens are considered poor ... survive onas little as $80 a month是对A项的详细说明。
40. B。B项中的This cycle指代上文的Many students assume thatbecause others are cheating, they also have to cheat to keep up。
41. A。由上文的increase the lion population可推断,野生动物保护专家希望防止狮子“消失(disappearing)”。
42. C。在一些地方,狮子和人类正在“争夺(competing for)”对土地的控制。
43. D。由第四段中的a sharp drop in the number of lions可推断,研究人员认为必须尽快采取措施“拯救(save)”狮子。
44. B。由文章开头的breeding lions可知。
45. B。由于狮子数量骤减,所以ALERT要保护它们。故选becauseof。
46. C。由下文的There are more people moving to this area every year可推断,狮子数量减少主要是人类“造成(caused)”的。
47. A。由上文的There are more people moving to this area every year可推断,狮子赖以生存的土地减少了。故选less。
48. A。由下段末的you get too many prey species, like giraffes and zebras可推断,狮子数量减少影响整个“自然环境(environment)”。
49. D。由下段可知,其他非洲国家也看到了狮子数量减少所带来的“灾难性的(disastrous)”影响。
50. D。51. B。在一些国家,“尤其是(particularly)”位于非洲中部和北部的国家,狮子数量已经达到了“令人担忧的(worrying)”地步。
52. D。布隆迪“极度(desperately)”想将狮子再次引入到国家公园。
53. C。由下文的you get too many prey species, like giraffes and zebras可知,没有狮子会导致一系列“奇怪的(strange)”事情发生。
54. A。由下文所举的猎物增多的例子可推断,此处是说“自然生态平衡”。故选nature。
55. B。由下文的when farmers try to ... their plants or animals可推断,此处是说“野生(wild)”动物受到威胁。
56. A。农民会设法“保护(protect)”他们的植物或动物。
57. C。Rene Czudek所在的组织已经“创造出(come up with)”一套缓解人类和野生生物冲突的工具。
58. D。由下文的explain to them how wildlife behaves, and then show them what therisky behaviors are, and how ... 可知,这套工具可以用来缓解人类和野生生物之间的“冲突(conflict)”。
59. A。由下文可知,这套工具是供推广人员向“农民(farmers)”宣传有关环保知识时使用的。
60. D。上文多次提到狮子(或野生生物)和人类争夺土地,因此,要缓解二者之间的冲突就需要教育农民如何“规划(plan)”自己的田地。
61. an。考查不定冠词。interview是可数名词且在此表泛指,故其前填an。
62. achievement。考查名词。由a(n)可知,设空处应填名词,故填achievement。
63. winning。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。介词后应用动词-ing形式作宾语,故填winning。
64. touched。考查形容词。设空处与proud并列,且意为“受感动的”,故填touched。
65. took。考查一般过去时。由从句的时态可知,take所表示的动作发生在过去,故填took。
66. both。考查代词。由下句中的also可知,答话者两件事都做,故填both。
67. hardest。考查形容词的最高级。由the和in yourcareer可知,设空处需填形容词的最高级,故填hardest。
68. when。考查连接词。句意:那是当我不得不说服父母接受我的职业选择的时候。故填when。
69. to become。考查不定式作宾补的用法。expect sb. to do sth.期望某人做某事。
70. at。考查介词。at ease意为“自由自在”。



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