
语言作为人类交流的工具顺应着社会的需要而产生,又随着社会的发展而发展。它像社会文化的其他方面一样,很少能自给自足。叶斯帕森曾说: “没有任何一种语言是绝对纯洁的,我们也找不出一个没有吸收外来词的民族。”( 转引高瑛,2001) 由于交往的需要,语言之间相互借用的现象不可避免。英语作为一门国际性语言,其借词现象更为普遍。据美国《读者文摘》(Reader’s Digest,1990,6) 称,英语的词汇量已达二百万,在这二百万的单词中,几乎有一半是外来词。英语外来词如此之广泛,外来词始于何时,是通过什么样途径借用的,是由于什么原因导致英语大量外来词,外来词在英语中什么地位,它是如何演变来的?本文通过对这一系列问题的探讨,旨在使读者对英语词汇有更为准确而全面的了解,对我们的语言教学和语言学习有所启迪。

I. Introduction
Language as a tool for human communication conform to the needs of the community generated, but also the development along with the development of society. It is like all other aspects of social culture, very few self-sufficient. Jespersen said: "There is no kind of language is absolutely pure, and we could not find any one nation does not absorb foreign words." (Quoted Gao Ying, 2001) due to the need for communication, language borrowing between phenomenon is inevitable. English as an international language, their excuse was more widespread. According to the United States, "Reader's Digest" (Reader's Digest, 1990,6) said it has reached two million in English vocabulary, in this two million words, almost half are foreign words. Of English loan words are so broad, foreign words began when, through what channels to use, and is due to what caused a large number of English loan words, foreign words in English, what position, how it evolved come from? In this paper, a series of questions on this discussion, aimed at readers of English words have a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of our language teaching and language learning has been enlightening.
Second, English words of foreign origin
Skeat's "Etymological Dictionary" (Skeat'sEtymologicalDictionary) recorded, native-born accounted for only 22.6% of English vocabulary, directly or indirectly from the French vocabulary of English words accounted for 26.4%, directly from the Latin accounted for 15.8% the rest came from dozens of other languages, mainly Scandinavian, Germanic, Italian, Greek, Hindi, Arabic and so on. Therefore, the English vocabulary is called "universal words" (cosmopolitanvocabulary).
(A) from the French loan words
English is Indo-European (Indo-Europeanlanguagefamily) in the Germanic languages (Germanicstock), French in the Romance languages are Indo-European family (leslanguesromanes). French great influence on English is a long history of the formation.
AD 1066, the French Duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror invaded England, and was crowned as the King of England. Conqueror of Normandy is in France was already well-developed civilization, feudalism had just brought the disintegration of the rural communes, the initial emergence of the English feudal manor. In human history, always represents a higher form of society's culture, language more impact on society is still in a backward form of the nation's culture and language. Therefore, when the British needed to accelerate the process of feudalism, they quite naturally to the French borrowing reflects the superstructure and ideological terms. The impact of French on English is very far-reaching, including culture, language, etiquette and construction. French word borrowed English has undergone four stages.
The first phase began with the Norman conquest, French became the official language of over 300 years, this period, French became the language and the Mediterranean civilization and ancient Greek, Roman culture and re-linked bonds. The Renaissance period, the influx of French words in English to reach the second stage, but the number was far fewer than the first phase. During the restoration of the Stuart dynasty, French, English borrowed the word to reach the third stage. 19th century French into English, the final stage. The four stages of the composition of borrowed words from French are: the first two phases are mainly government and administration, judicial and religious spheres, and other matters close to the ruling class terms, such as: empire, govern, judge, jury, virgin, etc.; Article three phases are mainly military and everyday phrases, such as: soldier, army, navy, embroidery, gown, etc.; The fourth stage will focus on literature, art, diplomacy, eating terms, such as: art, literature, poet, beauty , menu and so on.
Therefore, we can speak French and French culture, penetrate into all aspects of the English language. They not only enrich and expand the number of English vocabulary, but also in English, cultural background has left its imprint.

╮(╯▽╰)╭哎! 翻译这些不容易啊!
第1个回答  2010-02-14
I. Introduction
Language as a tool for human communication conform to the needs of the community generated, but also the development along with the development of society. It is like all other aspects of social culture, very few self-sufficient. Jespersen said: "There is no kind of language is absolutely pure, and we could not find any one nation does not absorb foreign words." (Quoted Gao Ying, 2001) due to the need for communication, language borrowing between phenomenon is inevitable. English as an international language, their excuse was more widespread. According to the United States, "Reader's Digest" (Reader's Digest, 1990,6) said it has reached two million in English vocabulary, in this two million words, almost half are foreign words. Of English loan words are so broad, foreign words began when, through what channels to use, and is due to what caused a large number of English loan words, foreign words in English, what position, how it evolved come from? In this paper, a series of questions on this discussion, aimed at readers of English words have a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of our language teaching and language learning has been enlightening.
Second, English words of foreign origin
Skeat's "Etymological Dictionary" (Skeat'sEtymologicalDictionary) recorded, native-born accounted for only 22.6% of English vocabulary, directly or indirectly from the French vocabulary of English words accounted for 26.4%, directly from the Latin accounted for 15.8% the rest came from dozens of other languages, mainly Scandinavian, Germanic, Italian, Greek, Hindi, Arabic and so on. Therefore, the English vocabulary is called "universal words" (cosmopolitanvocabulary).
(A) from the French loan words
English is Indo-European (Indo-Europeanlanguagefamily) in the Germanic languages (Germanicstock), French in the Romance languages are Indo-European family (leslanguesromanes). French great influence on English is a long history of the formation.
AD 1066, the French Duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror invaded England, and was crowned as the King of England. Conqueror of Normandy is in France was already well-developed civilization, feudalism had just brought the disintegration of the rural communes, the initial emergence of the English feudal manor. In human history, always represents a higher form of society's culture, language more impact on society is still in a backward form of the nation's culture and language. Therefore, when the British needed to accelerate the process of feudalism, they quite naturally to the French borrowing reflects the superstructure and ideological terms. The impact of French on English is very far-reaching, including culture, language, etiquette and construction. French word borrowed English has undergone four stages.
The first phase began with the Norman conquest, French became the official language of over 300 years, this period, French became the language and the Mediterranean civilization and ancient Greek, Roman culture and re-linked bonds. The Renaissance period, the influx of French words in English to reach the second stage, but the number was far fewer than the first phase. During the restoration of the Stuart dynasty, French, English borrowed the word to reach the third stage. 19th century French into English, the final stage. The four stages of the composition of borrowed words from French are: the first two phases are mainly government and administration, judicial and religious spheres, and other matters close to the ruling class terms, such as: empire, govern, judge, jury, virgin, etc.; Article three phases are mainly military and everyday phrases, such as: soldier, army, navy, embroidery, gown, etc.; The fourth stage will focus on literature, art, diplomacy, eating terms, such as: art, literature, poet, beauty , menu and so on.
Therefore, we can speak French and French culture, penetrate into all aspects of the English language. They not only enrich and expand the number of English vocabulary, but also in English, cultural background has left its imprint.
第2个回答  2010-02-14
I. Introduction

Language as a tool for human communication conform to the needs of the community generated, but also the development along with the development of society. It is like all other aspects of social culture, very few self-sufficient. Jespersen said: "There is no kind of language is absolutely pure, and we could not find any one nation does not absorb foreign words." (Quoted Gao Ying, 2001) due to the need for communication, language borrowing between phenomenon is inevitable. English as an international language, their excuse was more widespread. According to the United States, "Reader's Digest" (Reader's Digest, 1990,6) said it has reached two million in English vocabulary, in this two million words, almost half are foreign words. Of English loan words are so broad, foreign words began when, through what channels to use, and is due to what caused a large number of English loan words, foreign words in English, what position, how it evolved come from? In this paper, a series of questions on this discussion, aimed at readers of English words have a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of our language teaching and language learning has been enlightening.

Second, English words of foreign origin

Skeat's "Etymological Dictionary" (Skeat'sEtymologicalDictionary) recorded, native-born accounted for only 22.6% of English vocabulary, directly or indirectly from the French vocabulary of English words accounted for 26.4%, directly from the Latin accounted for 15.8% the rest came from dozens of other languages, mainly Scandinavian, Germanic, Italian, Greek, Hindi, Arabic and so on. Therefore, the English vocabulary is called "universal words" (cosmopolitanvocabulary).

(A) from the French loan words

English is Indo-European (Indo-Europeanlanguagefamily) in the Germanic languages (Germanicstock), French in the Romance languages are Indo-European family (leslanguesromanes). French great influence on English is a long history of the formation.

AD 1066, the French Duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror invaded England, and was crowned as the King of England. Conqueror of Normandy is in France was already well-developed civilization, feudalism had just brought the disintegration of the rural communes, the initial emergence of the English feudal manor. In human history, always represents a higher form of society's culture, language more impact on society is still in a backward form of the nation's culture and language. Therefore, when the British needed to accelerate the process of feudalism, they quite naturally to the French borrowing reflects the superstructure and ideological terms. The impact of French on English is very far-reaching, including culture, language, etiquette and construction. French word borrowed English has undergone four stages.

The first phase began with the Norman conquest, French became the official language of over 300 years, this period, French became the language and the Mediterranean civilization and ancient Greek, Roman culture and re-linked bonds. The Renaissance period, the influx of French words in English to reach the second stage, but the number was far fewer than the first phase. In the Stuart King
第3个回答  2010-02-20
你可以去翻译公司弄, 质量肯定有保证,不知道是不是有做广告嫌疑,呵呵,我用过一个叫随你译的,人家给我翻译的论文,导师一次就给我过了,哈哈,心里美啊
第4个回答  2010-02-20



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