动词在什么情况下加doing sth


1see sb do sth (强调全过程的动作)/ see sb doing sth (强调正在进行的动作){看到某人做某事} 2 make sb do sth {使某人做某事}3 There be +(主语)+doing sth {有(主语)正在做某事}/There be +(主语)+to do sth {有某事要某人去做}4 seem to do sth {好像做某事}5 It takes sb some time to do sth { 花费某人某段时间去做某事}6 It is +形容词+for sb +to do sth {做某事对某人来说怎么样}7 send sb to do sth {派某人去做某事}8 It is time to do sth {该做某事了}/ It's time for sb to do sth {对某人来说该去做某事了}9 be always doing sth {总是做某事}10 find it +形容词+ to do sth {发现做某事怎么样}【‘it’是形式宾语,‘to do sth’才是真正的宾语】11 hear sb do sth {听到某人做某事}/ hear sb doing sth {听到某人正在做某事}12 follow sb to do sth {跟着某人做某事}13 sb happened to do sth {某人碰巧做某事}14 have a difficult time doing sth {难于做某事}15 be certain to do sth {确定去做某事}16 mind doing sth {介意做某事}17 be excited to do sth {做某事感到很兴奋}18 allow sb to do sth {允许某人去做某事}19 It is better to do sth = had better do sth {最好去做某事}20 take care to do sth {当心做某事}21 encourage sb to do sth {鼓励某人去做某事}22 have fun doing sth {做某事很开心}23 suggest doing sth {建议去做某事}24 help sb (to) do sth {帮助某人去做某事}25 want to do sth {想要去做某事}26 tell sb to do sth {叫某人去做某事}= ask sb to do sth27 try to do sth (尽力去做某事)/ try doing sth {试着去做某事}28 need to do sth {需要去做某事}29 wish sb to do sth {希望某人去做某事}30 hope to do sth {希望去做某事}31 plan to do sth {计划去做某事}32 finish doing sth {完成做某事}33 can't wait to do sth {迫不及待地想做某事}34 be about to do sth {正要做某事}35 start to do sth / start doing sth =begin to do sth / begin doing sth {开始做某事}36 believe sb to do sth {相信某人做某事}37 invite sb to do sth {邀请某人去做某事}38 keep doing sth {一直做某事}39 hate to do sth / hate doing sth {讨厌做某事}40 like(love) to do sth / like(love) doing sth =enjoy doing sth {喜欢做某事}41 dislike to do sth / dislike doing sth {不喜欢做某事}42 let sb do sth {让某人做某事}43 be surprised to do sth {做某事感到很惊讶}44 stop to do sth {停下来去做某事}/stop doing sth {停止做某事}45 remember to do sth {记得去做某事}/ remmenber doing sth {记得曾做过某事}46 forget to do sth {忘记去做某事}/ forget doing sth {忘记曾做过某事}47 watch/



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