鬼泣1 2 的战斗歌曲各是什么啊?

我知道3是taste your blood 4是shall never surrender 2和3呢


Pubic Enemy:前期杂兵战音乐
Super Pubic Enemy:选用角色为Legendary Dark Knight,前期杂兵战音乐
S:选用角色为Legendary Dark Knight,中期杂兵战音乐,经典!
Psycho Siren:中BOSS战(比如Shadow)音乐
Red-hot Juice:熔岩蜘蛛Phantom的BOSS战音乐
Ultra Violet:黑骑士Nelo Angelo的BOSS战音乐,经典!
Flock Off!:狮鹫Griffon的BOSS战音乐
Mental Machine:噩梦Nightmare的BOSS战音乐
Legendary Battle:魔帝Mundus的BOSS战音乐,经典!

Fire Away:但丁杂兵战音乐1
Shoot the Works:但丁杂兵战音乐2
Wings of the Guardian:露西亚杂兵战音乐1
A prayer for Goddes:露西亚杂兵战音乐2
Demon's Paradise:露西亚杂兵战音乐3
Show Time!:崔西杂兵战音乐1
Spark it up!:崔西杂兵战音乐2
Cursed Giant:Orangguerra/Tartarussian BOSS战音乐
Bust the Beast:Goatling/Phantom BOSS战音乐
Parasitic Evil:Jokatgulm BOSS战音乐
Assault:Infested Chopper BOSS战音乐
Evil Tower:Nefasturris BOSS战音乐
Faithful Servant:Furiataurus BOSS战音乐
Uncanny Noise:Noctpteran/Trismagia BOSS战音乐
Cry for the Moon:Arius Battle BOSS战音乐
Darkness Instinct:Argosax the Chaos BOSS战音乐
Ragnarok:The Despair Embodied BOSS战音乐

第1个回答  2010-01-01
歌曲名歌手 试听收藏下载
Disc 1
01 Prologue 鬼泣 02 Opening 鬼泣 03 Dante's Office 7 Hells Battle 鬼泣 04 M-1 End (To Vergil!) 鬼泣 05 Mission Start 鬼泣 06 M-2 Start (Dante's Office 7 Hells App 鬼泣 07 Battle-1 (Battle Music 1) 鬼泣 08 M-2 End (Tower (Temen-Ni-Gru) Appeara 鬼泣 09 Mission Clear 鬼泣 10 M-3 Start (Vergil and Arkham Seen at 鬼泣 11 Stage Music 1 (Mission 3 Stage) 鬼泣 12 Cerberus Appearance 鬼泣 13 Cerberus Battle 鬼泣 14 Continue 鬼泣 15 Cerberus Defeated ~ Three-Rod Ice We 鬼泣 16 M-3 End (Lady's Appearance) 鬼泣 17 M-4 Start (Arkham Faces Lady's Reject 鬼泣 18 Stage Music 2 (Temen-Ni-Gru 1F ~ 2F) 鬼泣 19 Enigma Appearance-Battle 鬼泣 20 Gigapede Appearance 鬼泣 21 Gigapede Battle 鬼泣 22 M-4 End (Jester's Appearance) 鬼泣 23 M-5 Start (Blood-Goyle Appearance ~ 鬼泣 24 Agni & Rudra Appearance 鬼泣 25 Agni & Rudra Battle 鬼泣 26 M-5 End (Agni & Rudra Defeated-Flame 鬼泣 27 M-6 Start (Lady v.s.7 Hells) 鬼泣 28 Stage Music 3 (Inside Temen-Ni-Gru Up 鬼泣 29 M-6 End (Lady Falls) 鬼泣 30 M-7 Start (Catch Lady) 鬼泣 31 Vergil Appearance 鬼泣 32 Vergil Battle 1 鬼泣 33 M-7 End (Demon Awakening) 鬼泣 34 M-8 Start (Temen-Ni-Gru Dive) 鬼泣 35 Stage Music 4 (Within Leviathan) 鬼泣 36 Gigapede Appearance Inside Leviathan 鬼泣 37 Heart of Leviathan 鬼泣 38 M-8 End (Suspicious Behavior) 鬼泣 Disc 2
39 M-9 Start (Leviathan Falls) 鬼泣 40 Stage Music 5 (Subterranean Lake) 鬼泣 41 Nevan Appearance 鬼泣 42 Nevan Battle 鬼泣 43 Nevan Defeated-Thunder Blade Nevan 鬼泣 44 M-9 End (Lady Surrounded by the 7 Hel 鬼泣 45 M-10 Start (Betrayal) 鬼泣 46 Eternal Mechanism Set (Dante Lifting) 鬼泣 47 M-10 End (Lady's Past) 鬼泣 48 M-11 Start (Arkham's Death) 鬼泣 49 Stage Music 6 (Gears Room-Underground 鬼泣 50 Beowulf Appearance 鬼泣 51 Beowulf Battle 鬼泣 52 Beowulf Defeated 鬼泣 53 M-11 End (Vanished Arkham) 鬼泣 54 M-12 Start (Jester Reveals the Myster 鬼泣 55 Geryon Appearance 鬼泣 56 Geryon Battle 1 鬼泣 57 Bridge Lowered ~ Geryon Battle 2 鬼泣 58 Geryon Defeated ~ Get Quicksilver St 鬼泣 59 M-12 End (Vergil Defeats Beowulf) 鬼泣 60 M-13 Start (Ritual) 鬼泣 61 Reunion 鬼泣 62 Vergil Battle 2 鬼泣 63 M-13 End (Conspiracy) 鬼泣 64 M-14 Start (Arkham Standing at the To 鬼泣 65 The Two Who Chase Arkham 鬼泣 66 Mission Start 2 (Mission Start 2) 鬼泣 67 Stage Music 7 (Temen-Ni-Gru After the 鬼泣 68 Battle-2 (Battle Music 2) 鬼泣 69 M-14 End (Bike Action) 鬼泣 70 The Fallen Appearance-Battle 鬼泣 71 Divinity Statue 鬼泣 72 M-15 End (Arkham Goes to the Demon Wo 鬼泣 73 M-16 Start (The Path to the Demon Wor 鬼泣 74 Stage Music 8 (Temen-Ni-Gru United Wi 鬼泣 75 Confrontation With Lady 鬼泣 76 Lady Battle 鬼泣 77 M-16 End (Confiding Lady) 鬼泣 Disc 3
78 M-17 Start (Arkham Pulls Out Demon Sw 鬼泣 79 Doppelganger Appearance 鬼泣 80 Doppelganger Battle 鬼泣 81 Get Doppelganger Style! 鬼泣 82 Stage Music 9 (Demon World) 鬼泣 83 Damned Chess Battle 鬼泣 84 M-18 End (Arkham's Awakening) 鬼泣 85 Stage Music 10 (Neverending Void of H 鬼泣 86 Arkham Running Amok 鬼泣 87 Arkham Battle 鬼泣 88 Intrusion 鬼泣 89 Arkham Battle 2 鬼泣 90 M-19 End (Jackpot!) 鬼泣 91 M-20 Start (Father-Daughter Conclusio 鬼泣 92 Sibling Showdown 鬼泣 93 Vergil Battle 3 鬼泣 94 M-20 End (Conclusion) 鬼泣 95 “Devils Never Cry” (Staff Roll) 鬼泣 96 Epilogue 鬼泣 97 Vergil Afterwards 鬼泣 98 Total Result 鬼泣 99 Game Over 鬼泣 100 Super Play (Super Play Movie) (bonus 鬼泣 101 Loop Demo Movie (bonus track) 鬼泣 102 Motion Capture Movie (bonus track) 鬼泣 103 Video Continuity (bonus track) 鬼泣 104 Promotion Movie (bonus track) 鬼泣



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