



1. In conclusion: 无可否认,技术的影响力深刻渗透到了我们生活的方方面面,改变了我们的日常习惯。(Technology's profound impact on our daily lives is undeniable.

2. To sum up: 气候变化的驱动因素,无论是人类活动还是自然要素,都在全球变暖的舞台上扮演着关键角色。(Human activities and natural forces jointly drive the climate change narrative.

3. All in all: 虽然面临初期挑战,但项目的成功无疑是团队付出和坚持的见证。(Despite initial hurdles, the project's triumph stands testament to the team's resilience.

4. Ultimately: 决策权,尤其是重大决策,往往掌握在高层决策者手中。(Ultimately, the power to decide lies with those in authority.

5. In summary: 研究结果清晰地揭示了运动与心理健康的紧密关联,这无疑是个积极的发现。(Exercise and mental health are intrinsically linked - a compelling conclusion from empirical research.

6. To conclude: 教育是塑造个人未来的关键因素,这一点不容忽视。(Education's pivotal role in shaping one's destiny is a fact that cannot be overstated.

7. In a nutshell: 公司的财务状况在过去一年中稳步提升,表现令人瞩目。(The company's financial health has shown steady improvement in a nutshell.

8. Overall: 人类生存的基本前提是水的存在,这是毋庸置疑的。(Water is a prerequisite for human existence, a fundamental truth.

9. To summarize: 可再生能源的可持续性和环保特性使其成为未来能源的优选。(Renewables triumph due to their environmental friendliness and sustainability.

10. To wrap it up: 团队的辛勤付出和承诺确保了项目的完美收官,这是他们努力的回报。(The team's unwavering dedication led to the project's triumphant conclusion.

11. In closing: 对于2021届毕业生,我们要提醒你们:智慧的话语将伴随你们开启新的人生篇章。(As a parting thought, wise words of advice for the Class of 2021.

12. Finally: 从文章中可以断定,这个女孩的父亲是一位教师,他的教诲无疑对她的成长至关重要。(Her father's teacher identity is conclusively revealed by the text.

13. In short: 不论是网球、羽毛球还是帆板,挑战自我是生活的精髓所在。(Embrace challenges, whether it's tennis, badminton, or windsurfing - the message is clear.

14. Taking everything into account: 作为居住地,北京是否满足你的期待,需要全面考虑各种因素。(Beijing's suitability as a place to live calls for a comprehensive evaluation.

15. On the whole: 我们的基本共识是一致的,尽管可能在某些细节上有分歧。(Generally speaking, our opinions align despite occasional disparities.

16. All things considered: 从所有角度来看,你来这里是个明智的选择,你的表现令人赞叹。(Your decision to come here stands vindicated, considering all the circumstances.

17. In sum: 他的高尚品格是不容置疑的,是他人格魅力的关键体现。(His high principles are summed up in his distinguished character.

18. Everything considered: 综合考虑,他的工作成绩不容忽视,反映出他的专业能力和责任感。(His job performance is commendable, considering the scope of responsibilities.

19. By and large: 这个精英群体年轻且充满潜力,他们是社会进步的重要力量。(The young and promising elite are, by and large, the driving force behind societal advancement.

20. In the end: 小男孩最后认识到错误,回家向母亲道歉,体现了成长与和解的重要性。(In the end, the boy's apology showcased the value of understanding and reconciliation.





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