求翻译几个句子~~~~急!!! 不要在线翻译! 汉译英


麻烦尽量华丽些~~词组 句式 使劲往里砸~~~

1. Last weekend, we drove away on holiday. But the car stalled on the road, had to take a taxi to go home.
2. For the women's social status, many of our views are from the feudal era, was not fit today's society; point of view, however, present with the past, the problem elsewhere.
3. Today, the movement of persons is more than ever, fluency, which is perhaps why the mobile phone as leather machine causes.
4. Almost every child dreams of the past, space travel, experience what life under weightless conditions is what kind, but this desire is often not achieved due to a variety of reasons
5. Schools to encourage students to think independently and not tied by the teacher point of view. However, many students have long been accustomed to the teacher picked up the pace with the set, not accustomed to think for themselves
6. Term paper must be no later than next Tuesday to pay up, but most of the students has yet to write. It appears that the subject is a difficult thesis a bit, otherwise how can explain that?
7. That country, generally pay the bill with cash, but with the popularity of modern science and technology, pay bills by check in the big cities have also been very popular, and the near future instead of cash into a new kind of settlement
8. Henry eager to let his mother know that he will be creative in the orchard do not normally each of the two kinds of grafted fruit trees grafted up
9. Bill is already a mature young man, and no longer dependent on their parents for everything that he call the shots. For example, doctoral students, and this last time applicants in love with Mary, are self-assertive
10. This region is very rich supply of meat, vegetables and fruits, but are extremely scarce. Therefore, we took two teams of superior orders investigation and study here to see what measures can help local people solve this problem.
第1个回答  2010-03-02
1. Last weekend, we drove away on holiday. But the car stalled on the road, had to take a taxi to go home.
2. For the women's social status, many of our views are from the feudal era, was not fit today's society; point of view, however, present with the past, the problem elsewhere.
3. Today, the movement of persons is more than ever, fluency, which is perhaps why the mobile phone as leather machine causes.
4. Almost every child dreams of the past, space travel, experience what life under weightless conditions is what kind, but this desire is often not achieved due to a variety of reasons
5. Schools to encourage students to think independently and not tied by the teacher point of view. However, many students have long been accustomed to the teacher picked up the pace with the set, not accustomed to think for themselves
6. Term paper must be no later than next Tuesday to pay up, but most of the students has yet to write. It appears that the subject is a difficult thesis a bit, otherwise how can explain that?
7. That country, generally pay the bill with cash, but with the popularity of modern science and technology, pay bills by check in the big cities have also been very popular, and the near future instead of cash into a new kind of settlement
8. Henry eager to let his mother know that he will be creative in the orchard do not normally each of the two kinds of grafted fruit trees grafted up
9. Bill is already a mature young man, and no longer dependent on their parents for everything that he call the shots. For example, doctoral students, and this last time applicants in love with Mary, are self-assertive
10. This region is very rich supply of meat, vegetables and fruits, but are extremely scarce. Therefore, we took two teams of superior orders investigation and study here to see what measures can help local people solve this problem.
第2个回答  2010-03-03
. Last weekend, we drove away on holiday. But the car stalled on the road, had to take a taxi to go home.
2. For the women's social status, many of our views are from the feudal era, was not fit today's society; point of view, however, present with the past, the problem elsewhere.
3. Today, the movement of persons is more than ever, fluency, which is perhaps why the mobile phone as leather machine causes.
4. Almost every child dreams of the past, space travel, experience what life under weightless conditions is what kind, but this desire is often not achieved due to a variety of reasons
5. Schools to encourage students to think independently and not tied by the teacher point of view. However, many students have long been accustomed to the teacher picked up the pace with the set, not accustomed to think for themselves
6. Term paper must be no later than next Tuesday to pay up, but most of the students has yet to write. It appears that the subject is a difficult thesis a bit, otherwise how can explain that?
7. That country, generally pay the bill with cash, but with the popularity of modern technology, pay bills by check in the big cities has also been very popular, and the near future instead of cash into a new kind of settlement
8. Henry eager to let his mother know that he will be creative in the orchard do not normally each of the two kinds of grafted fruit trees grafted up
9. Bill is already a mature young man, and no longer dependent on their parents for everything that he call the shots. For example, doctoral students, and this last time applicants in love with Mary, are self-assertive
10. This region is very rich supply of meat, vegetables and fruits, but are extremely scarce. Therefore, we took two teams of superior orders investigation and study here to see what measures can help local people solve this problem.
Trouble as some gorgeous look inside ~ ~ phrase, sentence energetically smashed ~ ~ ~
Thank incessantly in! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Best tonight Ok oh ~ ~ ~ Thank you, experts used a ~ ~
第3个回答  2010-03-04
1. Last weekend, we drove away on holiday. But the car stalled on the road, had to take a taxi to go home.
2. For the women's social status, many of our views are from the feudal era, was not fit today's society; point of view, however, present with the past, the problem elsewhere.
3. Today, the movement of persons is more than ever, fluency, which is perhaps why the mobile phone as leather machine causes.
4. Almost every child dreams of the past, space travel, experience what life under weightless conditions is what kind, but this desire is often not achieved due to a variety of reasons
5. Schools to encourage students to think independently and not tied by the teacher point of view. However, many students have long been accustomed to the teacher picked up the pace with the set, not accustomed to think for themselves
6. Term paper must be no later than next Tuesday to pay up, but most of the students has yet to write. It appears that the subject is a difficult thesis a bit, otherwise how can explain that?
7. That country, generally pay the bill with cash, but with the popularity of modern technology, pay bills by check in the big cities has also been very popular, and the near future instead of cash into a new kind of settlement
8. Henry eager to let his mother know that he will be creative in the orchard do not normally each of the two kinds of grafted fruit trees grafted up
9. Bill is already a mature young man, and no longer dependent on their parents for everything that he call the shots. For example, doctoral students, and this last time applicants in love with Mary, are self-assertive
10. This region is very rich supply of meat, vegetables and fruits, but are extremely scarce. Therefore, we took two teams of superior orders investigation and study here to see what measures can help local people solve this problem.

第4个回答  2010-03-02
哇 好多 没时间给你翻译



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