




  性教育方面:在现实中,当电视上出现成人**镜头时,家长往往以换台甚至遮住屏幕来回避孩子好奇的目光;由此产生的各种问题、乃至导致的众多悲剧都充分说明这样一种教育的重要性不难看出,家长以及其他成人读者对儿童性教育读物的态度正说明了性教育存在的必要,儿童性教育并非已经完全做到位了,因为成人这种态度部分导致国内儿童性教育长期处于相对滞后状态。在北京市某重点中学进行的对异性朋友的友情问题的问卷调查中,只有4.3%的家长赞成自己的孩子交异性朋友,反对自己的孩子与异性朋友交往的家长竟达95.7%。 这一调查结果是令人痛心的。因为面对同一问题,可爱的子女则有近50%的人赞同与异性朋友交往。这些杞人忧天的父母们压根就认为青春期的异性友谊必然会导致早恋。一提起异性友谊就想到早恋,一想起早恋,便想起性过锗和性犯罪,于是战战兢兢,谈恋色变,恨不得把男女同学们隔离在两个不同门的冰箱中,老死不相往来。一位重点中学高二的女生对此一针见血地指出:大人们总是对这个话题如此敏感,我怀疑他们就是早恋过来的。也说明了中西方教育的差异。
  西方:与中国的中学生和家长把目光盯在升学上、老师和学校把目光盯在升学率上不同,西方国家更重视兴趣培养。当然,西方教育也有弊端。在西方,学校教育中基本没有素质教育的内容,做这件事的是宗教和家庭,《圣经·新约》就是绝大多数西方人的思想品德教科书。 以美国为例,美国的正规学校教育中根本没有专门针对素质的教育内容,而主要是对受教育者进行各种技能的培养。要求理工科的学生选修一点人文方面的课程,其目的是扩大他们的知识面,而不是为了提高他们的素质。通俗地说,西方现代教育主要是教人做事,而不是做人。
  In the East and West in the institutional structure of society, the family system's status and role are very different. This is the social and cultural differences between East and West, one of the basic reasons. Chinese secondary school students book knowledge and Orsay performance beautifully stroke several times in life can have also cast a lot of preaching the top students brain. Comparison between the two compare? Remember in 1998 during Bill Clinton's visit to China, Shanghai Mayor Xu accompanied him to the radio live broadcasts through the airwaves and the public conversation, the two sides to establish a consensus on education: China's traditional education emphasizes the teaching of knowledge, American education emphasizes the cultivation of student ability , the two need to share and complement each other. Through access to the books, we are also aware of: Sino-US education at all levels of education, both the existence of differences and to reflect the different forms in the United States, young people are mostly very assertive, this independent consciousness is nurtured from childhood .


  The Chinese side: At present, the community, parents, lack of scientific experience in the education of their children, guarding the old, backward, the wrong conception of education, emphasis on teaching rather than teaching the phenomenon is relatively common, the practice of family education to solve the problems and contradictions have been urgent. In China, parents concerned about children's things, such as helping a child do the laundry, organize the bedroom are many. It also has internal reasons, the Chinese students in the academic heavy burden, because the ultimate decision will be scores of students on higher education, the students attach importance to score.

  Sex education: in reality, when seen on TV for adults ** lens, parents are often in exchange for Taiwan, they even covered up the screen to avoid the curious eyes of a child; the resulting problems, and even led to many tragedies we can fully Such a not difficult to see the importance of education, parents and other adults, sex education books for children's attitude illustrates the need for the existence of sex education, children's sex education does not have completely been done, because the adult part of this attitude led to a long period of children's sex education is lagging behind the state. A focus on secondary schools in Beijing against the opposite sex friendship with the questionnaire survey, only 4.3% of the parents supported their children to a boyfriend against his own children and the parents of the opposite sex peers were as high as 95.7% . The survey result is distressing. Because in the face the same problems, lovely children, there are nearly 50% of people agree with the opposite sex peers. These parents are fundamentally on the groundless fear that the heterosexual adolescent friendship inevitably lead to puppy love. A heterosexual friendship, I thought I mention early love, a think puppy love, they think of sex too germanium and sexual crimes, so hard work, to talk about love pale, anxious to put male and female students isolated in two different refrigerator door, the die of old age are not in contact with . A focus on secondary school girls in High School this sharply pointed out: Great people are always so sensitive on this topic, I suspect they are puppy love them there. Also explains the differences in Western education.
  West: China's secondary school students and their parents with their eyes fixed on their studies, the teachers and schools to set their sights on further studies on the rate is different from Western countries pay more attention to cultivating interest. Of course, Western education has had its drawbacks. In the West, there is no school education, the basic quality education content, to do this is that religion and family, and "New Testament" is the vast majority of Westerners, the ideological and moral textbook. In the United States, the United States, there is no formal school education, specifically the quality of educational content, but mainly for the cultivation of educated in various skills. Require science and engineering students in the humanities elective courses that the aim is to expand their knowledge, rather than to improve their quality. In layman's terms, the Western modern education is to teach people to do things primarily, rather than a man.
第1个回答  2010-02-27
我 国 的 教 育 体 制 是 个 垃 JI 吗 ?



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