


在日本,明治,养乐多,以及雪印在酸奶产品方面占主导地位。如果伊利酸奶进军日本东京,那么明治将会是最大的竞争对手。据报道,24名患者因喝了含有益生菌的酸奶饮料而死亡,为此荷兰相关方面正就此着手展开调查。日本乳酸菌饮料巨头养乐多集团的养乐多活性乳酸菌产品在调查名单中赫然在列。养乐多集团随即声明与这一事件无关。明治乳业在日本市场占有率最高,主要商品阵容是保加利亚杆菌酸奶和LG21等,对身体有益的机能性酸奶。作为新品牌“明治 优诺”推出的新产品,明治人也将于2010年春天开始销售“软管酸奶”和杯装酸奶“彻底酸奶”。 明治乳业结合两种酸奶,将2010年的销售目标定在了70亿日元。



据位于东京的Melbourne and Ken Tanaka 公司的Edward Weiss 说,现在的日本乳品市场,方便是第一位的。





ヨーグルト制品では、エリー、ある国では3つの主要な竞合、すなわちMengniu、光明、伟チュアン、これらの3つの企业にも、乳制品を行う専门家は、さと强い影响力をしています。 Mengniuと伊利どちらの関系が竞争関系に。 Mengniu 2006、2007、2008、それぞれヨーグルトの売上高は62%の年间平均复合成长率を达成する100亿元、1.7亿元、27000000000元に达する。ブライト酪农可能性が高い市场シェアの缩小の问题に直面するだろう。



ヨーグルトなどの発酵乳の状况日本の消费、农业水利省は最近、"牛乳の制品で、"统计レポートを提供する良いですが、この年4月から9月まで、乳制品の国内消费44000000リットルと、前年同期比5%以上の増加となりましたを示しています。健康制品のリーダーとして - 発酵乳の人気者。



消费者が利便性の主な结果は、商用の代替食品の売上増加し、それより多くの开発や生产、加工食品につながる注意を払っています。したがって、乳制品、特にヨーグルト、チーズ、(多くの中古のパッケージ、または1 -离れての食事)を取るの组成は、市场シェアの多くを占めていた。
第1个回答  2010-02-02
Through surveys and research Yili dairy company as a whole, I intend to market expansion into Tokyo, Japan. I mainly want to Erie's "excellent product Yoshito" series yogurt into the Japanese market. My plan in this market, the elements contained in the main are: an overview of the Erie Company; the current situation in Erie, the company's overall analysis, including market demand, the demand trend, social and cultural impact, people's psychological needs, economic and business conditions in the , neutral, some of the environmental impact of competitors,
Yili's products and services; SWOT analysis; target groups and product positioning; market objectives; marketing strategy; market strategy, implementation and control; as well as my final conclusion.
In the yogurt products, Erie, there are three major competitors in the country, namely Mengniu, Guangming, Wei-Chuan, because these three companies is also a professional to do dairy products, and has a strong influence. Mengniu and Yili both of which relationship is competitive relationship. Mengniu 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively yogurt sales reach 10 billion yuan, 1.7 billion yuan and 27 billion yuan, achieving an average annual compound growth rate of 62%. The Bright Dairy will likely face the problem of declining market share.
In Japan, the Meiji, Yakult, and the snow printed on the yogurt products are dominant. If the Yili yogurt into Tokyo, Japan, the Meiji will be the biggest competitor. According to reports, 24 patients due to drinking probiotic yogurt drink containing death, for which relevant aspects of the Netherlands is thus begin to investigate. Japanese lactic acid bacteria beverage giant Yakult Yakult Group of lactic acid bacteria products in the survey list, impressively. Yakult Group, then the statement has nothing to do with this incident. Meiji Milk the largest market share in Japan, the main product line is the Bulgarian yoghurt bacteria and LG21 and so on, the body good functional yogurt.
As a new brand "Meiji Yoplait" launch new products, the Meiji who will also be on sale in spring 2010, "SAM Yogurt" and cup yogurt "thoroughly yogurt." Meiji Milk combines two kinds of yogurt, the 2010 sales target set at 70 billion yen.
Situation analysis:
From the point of view, said food processing, dairy is one of the absolutely indispensable ingredient. Japan, the majority of dairy products is dependent on overseas imports of raw materials, in particular casein, casein sodium and lactose is almost entirely dependent on overseas raw materials input.
According to Japan's "Daily News" website reported on the 29th, the survey found that daily consumption of 130 milliliters of about yogurt, milk or eat 1 to 1.5 slices of cheese, you can play will help prevent stroke.
Japanese consumption of yogurt and other fermented milk situation is good, agricultural water province recently provided by the "milk products statistical report" shows that from April to September this year, the national consumption of dairy products was 44 million liters, an increase of 5% over the same period last year. As the leader in health products - fermented milk popular consumers.
Japan's Meiji Milk Yogurt sales from April to September amounted to ¥ 53,500,000,000, an increase of 10.8% over the same period last year. Pylori bacteria in particular the use of lactic acid bacteria have a certain effect LG21, processed yogurt is a good sale. Japan MilkCommunity clubs are "double-bacillus," the big fuss, sales rosy.
As in the previous year's 10-year period, the Japanese National fermented milk production increased from 50 thousands to 80 thousands liters liters, an increase of 1.6 times. However, as opposed to milk consumption to less than satisfactory, and in October the national drink of milk consumption 347,000 tons, compared with the same period last year a decrease of 4.7%.
Business and economic aspects:
It is located in Tokyo, Melbourne and Ken Tanaka's Edward Weiss said that now the Japanese dairy market, convenience is the first.
Japan's ongoing social changes have made single-parent families and working women has increased. This has led to less time spent cooking at home, or decrease, thus greatly increased the semi-finished products of food consumption or an increase in eating out. Despite the recent reduction in household expenditure on food, but dining out or substitute for the percentage of food expenditure is increasing year by year, including take-away lunch, pre-treatment, and similar cooked frozen foods and other products.
Consumers to pay attention to one of the main result of convenience, commercial alternative food product sales increased, it leads to more development and production of processed food. And therefore dairy products, especially yogurt, cheese (many pre-packaged or composition of one of the take-away meals), has occupied a lot of market share.
第2个回答  2010-02-10
Pass to investigate and study the whole circumstance of the Yi benefit Ru Ye company, I intend to expand the market to Tokyo, Japan.But I mainly want to push the "excellent rticle Jia person" the series sour milk of the Yi Li company facing the sun this market.The contents included by this market of mine programming mainly BE:Generalize introduction to the Yi Li company;Currently the analysis of the whole circumstance of the Yi Li company, include a market need among them, need alignment, social cultural influence, people's mental need, economy and business condition, some environments of neutral influence, rival, the Yi Li company product kimono duty;SWOT is analytical;Target crowd and product position;Market target;Market strategy;The market is strategic to carry out and controls;And my finally tally up.

At the sour milk product, the Yi benefit has 3 greatest rivals in the domestic, the difference receives cow, bright, all of flavor, because these three business enterprises are also a profession to do a milk product, and own strong influence.Receive cow and Yi benefit among them since is a cooperative relation, and then is a competition relation.Receive cow in 2006, in 2007 and 2008 of sour the milk sell a sum and will distinguish to attain renminbis 1 billion, renminbis 1.7 billion and renminbis 2.7 billion and carry out a year to all reunite a growth rate to reach to 62%.But the bright milk industry will may face the problem that the market quota descends.

At Japan, it is clear to cure, yakult, and snow prints in the sour milk product to predominate a position.If the Yi benefit sour milk military advance Tokyo, Japan, so clear cure will be the biggest rival.According to the report way, 24 sufferers imply a benefit to living sour milk beverage but death of germ because of drinking and just and now begin to launch inquisition for this Holland parties concerned.Japanese lactobacillus
第3个回答  2010-02-08
第4个回答  2010-01-31
Pass to investigate and study the whole circumstance of the Yi benefit Ru Ye company, I intend to expand the market to Tokyo, Japan.But I mainly want to push the "excellent rticle Jia person" the series sour milk of the Yi Li company facing the sun this market.The contents included by this market of mine programming mainly BE:Generalize introduction to the Yi Li company;Currently the analysis of the whole circumstance of the Yi Li company, include a market need among them, need alignment, social cultural influence, people's mental need, economy and business condition, some environments of neutral influence, rival, the Yi Li company product kimono duty;SWOT is analytical;Target crowd and product position;Market target;Market strategy;The market is strategic to carry out and controls;And my finally tally up.

At the sour milk product, the Yi benefit has 3 greatest rivals in the domestic, the difference receives cow, bright, all of flavor, because these three business enterprises are also a profession to do a milk product, and own strong influence.Receive cow and Yi benefit among them since is a cooperative relation, and then is a competition relation.Receive cow in 2006, in 2007 and 2008 of sour the milk sell a sum and will distinguish to attain renminbis 1 billion, renminbis 1.7 billion and renminbis 2.7 billion and carry out a year to all reunite a growth rate to reach to 62%.But the bright milk industry will may face the problem that the market quota descends.

At Japan, it is clear to cure, yakult, and snow prints in the sour milk product to predominate a position.If the Yi benefit sour milk military advance Tokyo, Japan, so clear cure will be the biggest rival.According to the report way, 24 sufferers imply a benefit to living sour milk beverage but death of germ because of drinking and just and now begin to launch inquisition for this Holland parties concerned.Japanese lactobacillus



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