Ocean Deep (Cliff Richard) 歌词和翻译


Love, can''t you see I''m alone 亲爱的,难道你看不出我的孤单
Can''t you give this fool a chance 难道你不能给这个傻瓜一个机会
A little love is all I ask 我所要的只是一点爱
a little kindness in the night 在夜里的一丝温存
Please don''t leave me behind 请不要将我抛下
No don''t tell me love is blind 不,请不要告诉我爱情是盲目的
A little love is all I ask and that is all 我所要求的只是一点爱
Oh love I''ve been searching so long 噢,亲爱的,我已寻找许久
I''ve been searching high and low 足迹遍及天涯
A little love is all I ask 我只想要一点爱啊
A little sadness when you''re gone 一点你离开我时的悲伤
Maybe you need a friend 也许你需要一个朋友
Only please don''t let''s pretend 只是让我们不要再伪装
a little love is all I ask and that is all 我所要求的只是一点爱
I wanna spread my wings 我想要张开翅膀
But I just can''t fly 但我无法飞翔
As string of pearl and pretty girls 当如珍珠美丽的姑娘
Go sailing by 经过我的身旁
Ocean deep 深陷海底
I''m so afraid to show my feelings 我多害怕表露我的情感
I have sailed a million ceilings 我已驻足于无数个
Solitary room 独处的空房
Ocean deep 深陷海底
Will I ever find a lover 我是否会找到我的爱人
Maybe she has found another 也许她已找到了她的归属
And as I cry myself to sleep 当我的眼泪浸湿床帏
I know this love of mine I'll keep 我知道我的爱
Ocean Deep 深陷海底
I''m so afraid to show my feelings 我多害怕表露我的情感
(You''re the only one I love) 你是我唯一的爱
I have sailed a million ceilings 我已驻足于无数个
(Just can''t reveal it) 只是难以说出
Solitary room 孤单的房间
Ocean deep 深陷海底
(maybe maybe) 也许 也许
Will I ever find a lover 我是否会找到我的爱人
(Maybe she has found another) 也许她已有所属
Maybe she has found another 也许她已有所属
(Another) 其他人
And as I cry myself to sleep
I konw this love of mine II''ll keep 我知道这份爱将
Ocean Deep 深陷海底




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