
1.He decided to follow a music_____when he gratuated from college
A.career B.job C.profession D.occupation
2.This hair style is _____in fashion now
A.not long B.no more C.any more D.no longer
3.Three cars were______in the traffic accident
A.included B.got C.involved D.contained
4.Is there anyone here who in___of an outing this coming weekend?
A.charge B.favour C.honour D.spite
5.The boy____to be an excellent chef.
A.turned B.got C.ordered D.grew up
6.I am sorry.You can'tuse the phone.It is _____.
A.something wrong B.favoured over C.in order D.out of order
7.The roots of a plant____water and other substances from the soil.
A.take on B.take up C.take in D.take to
8.What is a computer______?
A.made up od B.made of C.made into D.made from
9.It must be terrible to be_______
A.secretary B.grown up C.exception D.idol
10.The present situation is ______.
A.favorable B.fashionable C.loveable D.available
11.In that small town she belonged to a wealthy and ___family
A.favorable B.fashionable C.loveable D.available
12.My watch _____two minutes a day
A.gets B.obtains C.acquires D.gains
13.Language is ____rather than learned
A.got B.obtains C.acquired D.gained
14.Do you mean ____that you don't even have parents?
A.to say B.saying C.to tell D.telling
15.What it __to‘lose’ anything?
A.is meant B.means C.is meaning D.is the meaning
16.Everyone should ___death until he has something that willlive on after his death.
A.not fear B.not be feared C.fear D.be feared
17.Not until little George finished his homework _____
A.he watchedTV B.he didn't watch TV C.did he watch TV D.watched he TV
18.It is two months___Icame here to teach you English.
A.when B.that C.until D.since
19.It isnot until you ______a mistake that people____.
A.is making;listen B.make;listen C.is making;are listening D.make;listening

1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A
6.D 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A
11.A 12.D 13.D 14.D
15.B 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.B
第1个回答  2009-08-26
第2个回答  2009-08-26
自己做的,可能有错的,做个参考吧:ADCBD DCABA BDCCB BCDB



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