

aardvark: a burrowing mammal with a long snout, powerful claws, long tongue, and heavy tail.
auk: a small black-and-white heavy-bodied seabird.

basilisk: a lizard, related to the iguana, that is able to run upright on its long hind legs.

buck: a male animal of some species, including the antelope, deer, goat, kangaroo, and rabbit.

chick: a young bird, especially a young chicken.

chipmunk: a striped rodent of the squirrel family that lives on the ground, collects nuts and fruit, and stores food in cheek pouches.

elk: same as a moose.

gerenuk: a slender antelope, the male of which has long horns that curve backward.

haddock: a fish that is related to but smaller than the cod.

hawk: a bird of prey that is active in the daytime, typically having broad wings, a short hooked beak, strong talons, and a long tail.

lark: a small songbird with brownish feathers, noted for its song.

meadowlark: a songbird with brown speckled feathers and a yellow breast with a black crescent-shaped mark across it.

mink: a web-toed member of the weasel family.

mollusk: a clam, snail, slug, or octopus.

nabarlek: a wallaby from Australia.

peacock: a male or female peafowl (bird).

quillback: a freshwater fish of the sucker family with a long ray projecting from its dorsal fin.

roebuck: a male roe deer, especially an adult one.

shark: a carnivorous fish, with sharp teeth and rough skin.

skink: a small smooth insect-eating lizard with a long thin body and small limbs. It lives in temperate and tropical regions, especially in Asia and Africa.

skunk: a black-and-white animal of the weasel family that ejects a foul-smelling liquid from its gland as a defensive action.

springbok: a small swift gazelle noted for its ability to leap high in the air repeatedly when startled. Native to: semiarid regions of southern Africa.

stickleback: a small spiny-backed fish found in both salt and fresh water that has distinctive nest-building and courtship behavior.

stork: a large wading bird that has a long legs, a long neck, a long straight beak, and often black and white feathers.

tick: a parasitic fly that lives on the skin of sheep, cattle, horses, and other animals.

waterbuck: a large antelope with a shaggy dark-gray or reddish coat, found in grassland and woodland near open water.

woodchuck: a heavy-set short-legged marmot with brownish fur streaked with gray.

yak: a large longhaired ox that has long curved horns and is found both wild and domesticated. Native to: Tibetan highlands.


第1个回答  2009-08-29
donkey 驴
bullock 小阉牛
yak 牦牛
hawk 隼
cock 公鸡
peacock 孔雀
duck 鸭
stork 鹳
buck 公兔
chick 小鸡
第2个回答  2009-08-29
duck 鸭子
chick 小鸡
buck 公兔
jack 公骡
cock 公鸡
hawk 鹰
mink 鼬
peacock 孔雀
rook 白嘴鸦
shark 鲨鱼
第3个回答  2009-08-29



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