

sorry to keep you waiting. i did respond your email on August 9, but what a pity, it lost on the way.
i have looked through your website carefully. i think it is very good. all the goods are advanced. As China has pay more attention to the environment protection, the requirement of automobile release is higher day by day. now, there are some kinds of inspection lines which are speclize in inspection of the motomonile's environmental protection. it is believed that in 5 or 10 years, the same inspection lines will be over 10000. while, China is different from america that extra high-tech products are not needed in the short time. wo suggest you should make an simple one for the market requirement in china.
besides, can you be sure whether the production can made in china, so that our company can be your parterner.
i am now making a market survey in detail. the assessment report will be sent to you later.
last, give you my chinese regard----congratulations
第1个回答  2006-08-23
I must apologize for making you wait so long.I replied your E-MAIL on August 9th.And I don't know why you didn't receive my E-MAIL .What a pity!
I browsed your website carefully and think it's a goodwebsite. And I think all the manufactures are advanced.Now China are paying more and more attention to the environment protection. So the standard to the exhaust gas of vehicles must be more strict.And now we already have some checking_lines to check if the vehicle is not harmful to our environment . I am sure we will have 10,000 of the similar checking-lines 5 to 10 years in future.But the situation in China is different fome America's,maybe we do not need very advnced manufactures.So I think you can manufacture an ordinary one for the China Market to meet our country's need.
In addition ,I hope you can made your poducts in our country.And our factory can help you with your manufacture and machining.We look forward o this cooperation.After I finish a detailed market research,I will give you our evaluation report.
At last I wish you with our Chinese custom:Wish you prosperity.
我的E-MAIL:chenyijiaojoy@163.com 翻译的不足之处敬请谅解



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