
有许多意外事故总是发生,我们应该要遵守交通规则,珍爱生命。特此公告:1,司机不能闯红灯;2,不能在驾车时接听电话;3不可以酒后驾车;4一定要遵守交通规则。希望生活越来越好!(要求80-100词;用上较为简单的句式;包括用上You have to don't do sth,You'd better do sth,You should do sth.谢谢,THANKS!)

Traffic Bulletin
There are many accidents always happen, we should abide by traffic regulations, Live Life. Notice is hereby given: one, the driver can not be running red lights; 2 and can not receive calls while driving; 3 can not drink and drive; 4 must comply with the rules of the road. Want to live better and better!
第1个回答  2009-09-13
Traffic Bulletin
Owing to a great deal of accidential affairs occured frequently,We shall stick to traffic regulations and love our lives.Herewith we make announcement as belows:
1,running red lights is Forbidden
2,while driving,You have to do not receive calls.
3,You'd better not drive your car after drunk achohole
4,You should comply with rules .

We sincerely hope that you will live a better life!
第2个回答  2009-09-13
Traffic announcement:

There are many accidents always happen. we had better follow the traffic regulation,then we could save our life.

It is hereby proclaimed that:

1.Drivers must not go through when the traffic light is red;
2.Drivers must not listen to mobilephone when driving;
3.After drinking drivers must not drive;
4.And everyone should always submit to traffic rules.

The life would become colourful.
第3个回答  2009-09-13
Many road accidents occur unforseeably therefore you should invariably comply with all traffic regulations to diminish the chance of an unecessary disaster and by all means to care for your own invaluable life as well as other's.

It is hereby announced that:

1.drivers may never go through when the red light is on.
2.drivers may not answer any phone calls whilst driving.
3.drivers may not drive a car after consuming too much alcohol.
4.drivers should always conform to trafic regulations.

I sincerely hope our lives would have a bright future.



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