

The robot I want is like a beautiful and lovely rabbit because I like rabbits. But it will walk like a human being.
If I want to listen to music,it will turn on like a radio. If I feel lonely, it will chat with me. My robot will be like a friend . He will never be angry with me. My robot will also help me to study.
In a word, I want to have a robot like Doraemon. My robot will be a clever and cute rabbit.
第1个回答  推荐于2018-07-11
一块 有一天,小红端着一盆水高高兴兴地要去洗自行车,她心想:我要让爸爸妈妈看一看,我有多棒。小明赈灾高高兴兴地吃西瓜。他吃得津津有味,狼吞虎咽的样子真让人发笑。 小红不小心踩到了西瓜皮,把刚打好的水向后一样,小明一看,撒腿就跑。可是已经来不及了,水已经洒在了小明的身上。小明想:谁这么大胆,敢往我身上泼水,我要好好收拾他一顿。而小红却想:呀,不好都是我惹的祸。 小明转过身来,一看,原来式同班同学小红呀。小红红着脸说:“不好意思把你的衣服弄湿了,要不然到我家换个衣服再走吧。” 小明和小红一起吧水盆拿开一看原来是一块西瓜皮。小明说:“说对不起的应该式我,不是你。”小明把西瓜皮扔到垃圾桶里。小明和小红都笑了。本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2022-12-11
The robot I want is like a beautiful and lovely rabbit because I like rabbits. But it will walk like a human being.
If I want to listen to music,it will turn on like a radio. If I feel lonely, it will chat with me. My robot will be like a friend . He will never be angry with me. My robot will also help me to study.
In a word, I want to have a robot like Doraemon. My robot will be a clever and cute rabbit.
第3个回答  2018-07-02
The robot I want is like a beautiful and lovely rabbit because I like rabbits. But it will walk like a human being.
If I want to listen to music,it will turn on like a radio. If I feel lonely, it will chat with me. My robot will be like a friend . He will never be angry with me. My robot will also help me to study.
In a word, I want to have a robot like Doraemon. My robot will be a clever and cute rabbit.
第4个回答  2018-07-02
I think some future robots might look like monkey. They will clean the house for us. they can go to supermarket to shopping, buying some fruits and vegetables. besides,robots can prepare a delicious food for our family. they have a lot of abilities. they are friends of people. I hope this day will come soon.



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