

当句子以下列词开头时可以倒装1)介词短词(地点状语),处所词,声音词2)某些否定词,not never,hardly,barely,scarcely,little never befor,not until no sooner..than,under no circumstances,by no means,in no time,in no case,nowhere,not only..but aslo, nor ,neither3)only ,so, so...that,often,many a time,well.4)省略if ,though, although5)疑问句,there be,直接引语后,形容词做宾补,祝愿,强詷,平衡句子等等 1.Little did he know that the police were around.2.Never have I heard of such a name.3.Hardly could she believe her own eyes.4.Nowhere was the key to be found.5.Seldom does he come recently.6.By no means shall I change the plan.7.Not only do I know her,but I am also her friend.8.Not until a week later did he learn the news.9.Under no circumstances should we give up hope. 1.他一点也不知道警察就在旁边2.我从来没有听过这个名子3.她几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛4.到处找不到自己钥匙5.最近他很少来这里6.我决不改变计划7.我不但认识她,而且还是她的朋友8.直到一周后他才听到那个消息9.我们决不放弃希望 1.Only recently have I had time to read the book.2.Only by working hard can we succeed.3.Only after the accident did he become careful.4.Only when one is away from home does one realize how nice home is. 1.直到最近我才有时间读这本书2.只有努力工作我们才能成功3.只有在那次事故之后他才变得小心起来4.一个人只有在离开家时才能体会到家庭的温暖 1.Tom climbed the hill yesterday,so did Jim.2.She can speak French.So can he.3.He is very diligent.So are they. 1.汤姆昨天爬山了,吉姆也爬了2.她会说法语,他也会说3.他非常勤奋,他们也勤奋 1.I don't know when to leave. Nor does he.2.We can't get back before eleven o'clock.Neither can they.3.The pencils are not in the box.Nor is the pen. 1.我不知道什么时候离开,他也不知道。2.我们不能在11点钟前返回,他们也不能3.铅笔不在盒子里,钢笔也不在 1.So easy is the book that even a child can read it.2.So fast did he run that we can't catch up with him. 1.这本书很简单连孩子也能读懂2.他跑得非常快,我们赶不上 1.Were she my friend,I would ask her for help.2.Should he come tomorrow,I would tell you.3.Had it not been for the captain,the ship would have sunk.4.Had he taken my advice, he might have succeeded. 1.如果她是我的朋友
第1个回答  2013-11-13
实义动词:及物动词(带宾语);不及物动词(不带宾语)。后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词,叫做及物动词(transitive verb)。本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词,叫做不及物动词(intransitive verb)。
第2个回答  2013-11-13
实义动词就是有实际意义的动词 像go come 这类的动词 系动词就是be动词 像is am are



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