

Mount Eden (Maungawhau, the 'Mountain of the Whau tree' in Māori) is the name of a scoria cone and surrounding suburb in Auckland, New Zealand. The English name honours George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland.
Mt Eden, the suburb, is 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) south of the Central Business District (CBD). Mt Eden Road winds its way around the side of Mount Eden Domain and continues to weave back and forth as it descends into the valley; it runs south from Eden Terrace to Three Kings. Mt Eden village centre is located roughly between Valley Road and Grange Road. The domain is accessible on foot from many of the surrounding streets, and by vehicle from Mt Eden Road.

The central focus of the suburb is the dormant eponymous volcano whose summit, at 196 metres (643 ft) above sea level, is the highest natural point on theAuckland isthmus. The majestic bowl-like crater is 50 metres (160 ft) deep. The volcano erupted from two craters 28,000 years ago, with the last eruptions from the southern crater filling the northern crater.[1][2]

Terraces on the southern slopes of Mount Eden
Mt Eden sees strong tourism use, as it is the highest non-manmade point in Auckland, and provides good views in all directions over the city. The large numbers of coach buses, which previously could go all the way to a parking lot on the top of the hill, has been considered to have degraded the top of the cone. In August 2006, a ban on tour buses was announced. They will have to park halfway up the mountain in the future. However, this has in the meantime been partly qualified, with the vehicle ban only to be enforced when a "sustainable, low-impact transport system" (not further specified) is in place.[3]
Visitors to Maungawhau can explore the amazing features on foot with a heritage walk. A heritage walk guide has been prepared by the Albert-Eden Local Board and can be viewed online at ACC Heritage walks
Other uses[edit]
From the 1950s the peak was used by the New Zealand Post Office for VHF radio communications in two buildings, several hundred metres apart, each with their own antenna farm. One building housed transmitting equipment, while the other housed receiving equipment. In the 1960s the site was staffed during the five-day working week due to the large number of valves that wore out under the stress of high power and needed frequent servicing. Typical use of the facility was for businesses e.g. taxi or delivery firms needing mobile communications to vehicles.
An underground water reservoir has been located on the northern side of Mount Eden since the 1870s. The original reservoir was replaced in 1912, and a second, complementary, reservoir added in 1930. The reservoirs, recently upgraded to meet growing demand, work together to supply the Mt Eden, Epsom, One Tree Hill and Khyber Pass areas.

Looking into and over the Mount Eden crater.
Treaty settlement[edit]
In the 2014 Treaty of Waitangi settlement with the Tamaki Makaurau Collective of 13 Auckland iwi, the volcano was officially named Maungawhau / Mount Eden and ownership was vested to the collective. It is now co-governed by the collective and Auckland Council in common benefit of the iwi "and all other people of Auckland"



要的象征之一。 火山爆发时所吐出来的岩浆覆盖面高达近6个平方公里。其喷出的岩浆多达一亿六千万立方米,可装满32400个奥林匹克标准泳池。从这里,您可以欣赏令人惊奇的火山口遗迹,俯瞰奥克兰市区全景及两大港湾。锥形的火山口就在山顶的脚下,而火山口底部总是有食草的牛群。 市区内高耸的现代建筑与绿油油的“田园风光” 相互辉映,的确别有一番情趣。在著名的伊甸火山上,有一个标志牌,上面有世界较大首都距离此地公里数。



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