

Monkey is a commonly known. Primates in many animals we call monkey. 1 mammalia primates head. The groups most other animals, the brain is developed; eyes toward the front of the orbital space narrow; hands and feet of the toe (finger) to separate the thumb and flexible, with most of the other toe (finger) on the grip. Including the original monkeys and apes suborder suborder. Suborder face like the original Monkey Fox; no cheek pouches and hip corpus callosum; forelimbs shorter than hind legs, thumb and big toe developed, with other fingers (toes) relative; tail can curl or absent. Suborder apes face like people; mostly with cheek pouches and hip corpus callosum; mostly longer than the hind limb, and some degradation of the big toe; tail length, and some can be curly, and some no tail. Distribution by region or nose structure, and apes are divided into broad sub-nosed monkeys head group, also known as New World monkeys; narrow nose monkey group, also known as Old World monkeys. The project includes 51 genera and 11 families of about 180 species, mainly distributed in Asia, Africa and the Americas warm areas. Most of the forest habitat. Primates is the biggest gorilla size, weight up to 275 kilograms, the smallest is the Japanese monkey, weighing only 70 grams. Monkey
Tree branch with some very primitive skull features of the original monkeys is quite similar to many anatomists and paleontologists had left it, including within the primates, but its morphology and ecological habits and primates are very difference, therefore, modern taxonomists have it a separate project tree。
猴是一个俗称。灵长目中很多动物我们都称之为猴。灵长目是哺乳纲的1目。动物界最高等的类群,大脑发达;眼眶朝向前方,眶间距窄;手和脚的趾(指)分开,大拇指灵活,多数能与其它趾(指)对握。包括原猴亚目和猿猴亚目。原猴亚目颜面似狐;无颊囊和臀胼胝;前肢短于后肢,拇指与大趾发达,能与其他指(趾)相对;尾巴能卷曲或缺如。猿猴亚目颜面似人;大都具颊囊和臀胼胝;前肢大都长于后肢,大趾有的退化;尾长、有的能卷曲,有的无尾。按区域分布或鼻孔构造,猿猴亚目又分为阔鼻猴组,又称新大陆猴类;狭鼻猴组,又称旧大陆猴类。本目包括11科约51属180种,主要分布于亚洲、非洲和美洲温暖地带。大多栖息林区。灵长类中体型最大的是大猩猩,体重可达275千克,最小的是倭猴,体重只有70克。 猴子树科的头骨特征与某些十分原始的原猴类颇相似,许多解剖学家和古生物学家曾把它包括在灵长类内,但其外部形态和生态习性却与灵长类有很大差异,因此,现代分类学家已把它独立成树目。


Most of the skull primates great cranial cavity, spherical, this is due to the jaw shorter, facial change caused by flat, Orbital hind dash forward the development form bone eye rings, or closed form eye socket, Most species nose short, their sense of smell after hearing, touch, and some species in the brain with low highly developed sense of smell central and, to a great extent by olfactory action. Some lemur has a long nose. Golden monkeys genera and dolphin tail langur genera of the nasal bones degradation, forming the supine nostrils. Proboscis monkey genera of the nose big and long. These special type is due to the muscles or cartilage development, formed. Foot extensor hallucis and it can hold, make to toe hands and feet become grasping organs. The original of the monkey 5 fingers but flexion, no individual use. Palm surface and surface, have a naked - fingers and toes grain, grain shape is differ. With very soft or wide foot pad, except black apes outside, all for - do sex. Most kinds of means and toe end all have flat armour. General before long hind varies slightly, only the gibbon secco and orangutans secco forehand much longer than the hind legs. Apes, and people in with tail, koala of the kinds of its tail length difference is very big, from only one swelled to exceed long body. JuanWei monkey hkust some species with grip function, tail "DiWuZhi hand," said. Some old continent monkey (such as baboon) facial, hip or chest skin with bright-coloured colour, especially noticeable in breeding. The buttocks thick hard skin composed of lumps, called buttock continue.

第1个回答  2020-03-23
第2个回答  2020-02-15



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