That is me 要求以此为题的英语小短文。高一年,速回


一、女生版 I called the ethnic Yi sunrise, 17 years old this year, was fangchenggang, a senior high - grade lively, cheerful girl. I was not tall, wearing simple, but it is clean and tidy. My skin white, a pair of big eyes and eyelashes long, looked ailun quietly. smile, rosy little face appeared a little dimples. Mom and Dad colleagues have praised I was born with a smiling face and a pair of talking eyes. I was very good and very warm, is always ready to help others. I love, love, and love to sing love dancing, students are willing to make friends with Me. My good friend gave me a nice name -- " Happy ". In fact, in the course of studying and living, we are not only the students but also as brothers and sisters to help each other and LOVE EACH other. I like to play wide range of after - class life colorful, such as playing the violin, chess, skating, wrote calligraphy, painting, dancing, mountain climbing and tourism, " Be will versed in both polite letters and martial arts ", called a " talented women. " This is me, a true me a sunny girl, a good youth pursuit of progress! however, the gold - free pure gold and Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect, I of course, there are little weaknesses. For my self - esteem, did not tell you! 我叫籍逸昕,今年17岁,是防城港市高级中学高一年级的一名活泼开朗的女生. 我个子不高,穿的虽然很朴素,但是显得干净,整洁. 我皮肤白白的,一双大眼睛,睫毛长长的,看上去文文静静. 一笑,红扑扑的小脸蛋上就出现一对小酒窝. 爸爸妈妈的同事都夸我天生有一张会笑的脸和一双会说话的眼睛. 我很善良,又很热情,总是乐于助人. 我爱说爱笑,爱唱爱跳,同学们都愿意和我交朋友. 我的好朋友还送我一个好听的名字--"开心果". 其实,在学习和生活中,我们不但是同学,而且还像亲兄弟姐妹一样互相帮助,互相关爱. 我爱好广泛,课余生活多姿多彩,比如:拉小提琴,下象棋,溜冰,写毛笔字,画画,跳舞,登山,旅游等,真是"文武双全",称得上是一位"才女"! 这就是我,一个真实的我,一个阳光女孩,一个追求上进的好青年! 不过,金无足赤,人无完人,我当然也有小缺点哦. 为了我的自尊,还是不告诉你吧! 二、大众版 i, hidden in the vast Sea. I have neither renowned figure, and there is no bright eyes, but I have the enterprising heart, like the dreams of the water, have lofty ideals, I firmly believe that the abdomen a poetry gas from china. I am unwilling to drift. Frost in the " not the way once wrote : " A yellow wood diverged, two - way, unfortunately, I cannot go into. " " I chose one of the few human footprints, and decided the way of my life. " I only into the public will become a real Man. I don't want to go other vulgar old, have been similarly vulgar live with other people. In addition to steal the watch for others, also denied their own. i, humorous tolerance. I don't like to watch others like one's face was ablaze with anger, I think the smile of others is the most beautiful scenery in the world. So every day, I will be a happy, brought joy to them as much as possible. " The wide ocean, Ocean wide is the sky, wider than the sky is the human mind. " The narrow - mindedness of tolerance to accommodate 100, so the faults of others and I have to pay. Me to do. Qi Baishi he said. " i, like me to death. " Not walk out of the framework of the past, naturally they will not have their own world. When pop bubble fiction, I feel that a waste of time, when popular online game, I felt it was in vain youth. To do and see the real me, come up with a 12 confidence, tell yourself : " I am me, what with him? ! " threw the vanity of human decorations, showing his trump card, the pursuit of their own personalities, do my best! i, enterprising. i'm a little grain of sand, but I don't want behind, my mediocre and unambitious busy life. I wish to be the chiefs of life, a grain of pearl tear of immortal. A very long journey long, I shall search. I long for arts, culture of the summit, xiamen, victory margin not take the flowers of the times, stable track in a down - to - earth manner, and sprinkle to the world ... Beauty and Love This is me, I am in full bloom, vigorous me. This is me, humorous tolerance me, be not reconciled of being lagged behind me. 我,隐藏在茫茫人海中. 我既没有柔美的身段,也没有亮丽的双眸,但我有进取的心,有似水的梦怀,有崇高的理想,我坚信腹有诗书气自华. 我,不愿随波逐流. 在《未选择的路》中弗罗斯特曾写过:"黄色的树林里分出两条路,可惜我不能同时去涉足. ""而我选择了人迹更少的一条,从此决定了我一生的道路. "只融于大众的我便成为了实实在在的平凡人. 我不愿去走别人庸俗的老路,去过跟别人同样庸俗的生活. 在偷觑他人的同时,也否定了自己. 我,幽默宽容. 我向来不喜欢看别人满面怒容的样子,我认为他人的笑才是天下最美的风景. 所以每天,我都会变成一颗开心果,尽可能地给他们带去欢乐. "比大地宽阔的是海洋,比海洋宽阔的是天空,比天空宽阔的是人的心灵. "宽容使狭隘的胸怀容纳百川,所以对待别人的过失,我都付笑谈中. 我,要做自己. 齐白石老先生曾说过;"学我者生,似我者死. "走不出前人的框架,自然也就不会有自己的天地. 当流行泡沫小说时,我感觉那时在浪费时间,当流行网络游戏时,我感觉那是在虚度青春. 要做自己,看清真实的我,拿出十二分的信心,告诉自己:"我就是我,凭什么跟他一样? ! "抛掉那些人为的浮华雕饰,亮出自己的王牌,追求自己的个性,做我自己,最好! 我,积极进取. 小小的我是一粒沙,但不甘于落后,一生庸碌无为. 我愿做生命的酋长,做一粒不朽的珍珠泪. 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索. 我渴望朝向艺术之塔,文化之巅,事业之厦,庆功之缘,不负这繁花似锦的时代,留一行扎实稳健的足迹,把美和爱洒向人间...... 这就是我,风华正茂的我,意气风发的我. 这就是我,幽默宽容的我,不甘落后的我.




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