
满洲里原称“霍勒津布拉格”,蒙语意为“旺盛的泉水”。 1901年因东清铁路在此建成车站而得名,俄语为“满洲里亚”,音译成汉语变成了“满洲里”,1907年,满洲里正式开设商埠,是一座拥有百年历史的口岸城市,因地处欧亚大陆桥咽喉要地,素有“亚洲之窗”的美誉。满洲里是我国最大的陆路口岸,背靠我国东北和华北经济区,北邻俄罗斯,西连蒙古国。
满洲里市的旅游资源得天独厚,魅力无穷,被誉为“北疆明珠”。绿草如茵的呼伦贝尔大草原, 呼伦贝尔草原上蜿蜒的河流辽远无际;碧波荡漾的呼伦湖,纤尘不染;巍峨耸立的国门,庄严肃穆;热情奔放的蒙古风情,雄浑厚重;中西交融的城市风格,独具魅力。

Formerly known as Manzhouli, "Horace Jin Prague", the Mongolian word means "strong spring."

It's due to completion of the Dong Qing railway station here named in 1901.

 Russian for "Manzhouliya", Transliteration to Chinese become "Manzhouli".

1907, Manzhouli officially opened the commercial port .

 which is a port city with centuries of history, place at the throat to the Eurasia continental bridge.










第1个回答  2010-11-06
Formerly known as Manzhouli, "Horace Jin Prague", the Mongolian word means "strong spring."It's due to completion of the Dong Qing railway station here named in 1901 , Russian for "Manzhouliya", Transliteration to Chinese become "Manzhouli", 1907, Manzhouli officially opened the commercial port , which is a port city with centuries of history, place at the throat to the Eurasia continental bridge, known as "Asian window" in the world. Manzhouli is the largest land port in China, backed by the Northeast and North China's economic zone, north of Russia, west of Mongolia.
Manzhouli Port is located in the Asia-Europe Continental Bridge which is the first hub, the port is the gateway to the Bohai Sea in China Russia and other CIS countries and Europe, the most convenient, most economical, the most important land and sea transport Greater access and bear the Sino-Russian trade 60% of the land transport task. Manzhouli was 5 times won the "double-support model city" award for 3 consecutive sessions and was "the civilized port," the title is the spiritual civilization advanced cities. China Excellent Tourism City, the title of China's top ten charming city, Inner Mongolia, five-star civilized city and the satellite towns, national civilized city,
Manzhouli has unique tourism resources, and offers endless as the "northern pearl." Hulunbeier prairie grass, prairie meandering river Hulunbeier distant sight; blue waves of the Hulun, free of dust; towering doors, solemn; Mongolia passionate style, forceful heavy; Western blend urban style, unique charm.

第2个回答  2010-11-07
Manzhouli original call "HuoLe cyanazine Prague", Mongolian meaning "vigorous spring". 1901 because east railway station in this built qing named Russian for "manchurian and", transliteration into Chinese have become "manchurian", 1907, manchurian officially opened commercial port, is a with over 100 years' history port city, located in the throat Eurasian continental bridge because of keys, known as "Asian" window of reputation. Manzhouli is China's largest land port, back in northeast of China and north China economic zones, northern neighbour, Russia, west even Mongolia.
Located manzhouli port asia-europe first continental traffic haley, is the round-bohai-sea ports to the commonwealth countries such as Russia and Europe's most convenient, the most economical, the most important luhai intermodal thoroughfare, undertakes chinese-mongolian trade more than 60% of land transport task. Manzhouli had five times was awarded "national hygiene model city" award, for three consecutive annual obtained "national civilized port" title, is the national advanced city building spiritual civilization work. China excellent tourist city, China top ten charm city title, Inner Mongolia autonomous region five-star civilized city and satellite, the civilized city,
Manzhouli town's tourist resources are unique, glamour infinite, known as the "xinjiang pearl". The hulunbuir prairie, the grass on the hulunbuir prairie winding river boundless far, The rippling called Aaron lake, QianChenBuRan; Towering tall abroad, solemn, Enthusiasm is bold and unrestrained Mongolian amorous feelings, great-shouldered; That Chinese and western blends the city style, unique charms.
第3个回答  2010-10-31
manzhouli good,very good,very very very very very very very very very very ..(200字)....good!
第4个回答  2010-11-03



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