
1.5.2 路基基床填筑施工过程控制
⑴ 路基基床施工应根据设计文件要求及《铁路路基设计规范》、《铁路路基施工规范》中的有关规定,结合工点的情况,制订施工控制措施,措施不落实时,不得施工。
⑵ 路基基床施工控制措施按施工作业流程分别提出控制指标和检测程序,并做好技术交底工作。
⑶ 保证路基基床结构外型尺寸及方位正确的测量控制,是施工控制的主要方式之一:
① 路基基床及其同步施工的建筑物,开工前必须复测中线、高程,施放边桩。
② 路基基床每填筑一层后,应将边桩翻到施工高度。每填筑一层,必须恢复中线,重放边桩,以保证基床结构尺寸,避免超填或欠填。
③ 各项测量成果,应按规定的格式记录在案,并及时反馈到技术主管与工地,以便及时核对与纠正偏差。若有较大的差错,及时会同设计、监理单位商定对策。
⑷ 保证路基基床填筑压实,工艺质量的试验手段有效控制,是施工控制的另一主要手段。主要试验检测项目如下:
① 基床表层填料复查分类试验项目、频次的复查。
② 基床表层填料分类试验结果及过程记录。

1.5.2 roadbed compactness.a bed construction process control
1 bed according to the construction of roadbed design documents and the railway roadbed design specification, the railway subgrade construction norms of the relevant provisions, in combination, formulate measures for the construction control measures, and may not implement the construction.
2 subgrade construction control measures bed according to construction work flow are put forward control index and detection procedures, and technical work work.
3 ensure embankment foundation bed structure size and shape of the correct orientation and construction control measure control is one of the main ways:
(1) the subgrade construction and the synchronization bed before the start of the building, central, elevation, reeated measure must cast edge.
2 each filling roadbed bed after a layer, should be turned to the construction of pile side. Each layer, must restore filling line, replay edge, in order to ensure that the bed structure size, avoid super filling or owe.
3 the measurement results, according to the provisions of the format should be recorded, and timely feedback to the technical supervisor and site, so check with correct deviation. If there is a bigger mistake, timely in conjunction with the design, supervision unit agreed countermeasures.
4 that bed roadbed compaction technology, quality control, test means effectively the construction control is another major means. Main testing program is as follows:
1 bed surface packing review test items and frequency of classification review.
2 bed surface packing classification test results and process records.



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