
1.传统大众媒介面临着互联网的挑战。(be faced with)
2.希望你每月初付账单。( be expected to)
3.中国足球队失利了,但总体表现还不错。(as a whole)
4.从调查结果似乎可以看出低劣的住房条件和不健康的身体之间的关系。(to indicate)
5.中秋节是主要庆祝活动是吃月饼和赏月。(center around)
6.打算在新年换工作的人们往往在圣诞节后开始行动。(intend to )
7.他得到了五千元的现金,作为对他勇敢行为的奖励。(in recognition of )
8.如若一个游戏真的有吸引力,就会被一个又一个民族所接受,直到传遍全世界。(to make one’s way)
9.这种化学物质是用来保持织物不易弯曲和褶皱。(free of)
10.这个问题我们只好留到下次会议讨论了。 (leave over)
13.如果联邦政府的承包商一再违反工资法,就会丧失承包合同,而这些合同利润可观。(persist in)
14.这个罪犯之所以落网,主要是因为警方的周密安排,而不是警方的运气好。(due to)
15..目前我们只好等一等看。(at present)
16.小心那些表里不一的人。 (appear to be)
17.科学家们指出了两种方法来应对全球变暖的问题。(respond to)
18.巴黎在法国扮演着一个重要的角色,不仅是在政治方面,也是在经济实力上。(in terms of)
19.你们没有机会赢得这场比赛。 (stand a chance)
20.我透过窗户窥视,看见托尼正眯缝着双眼看电视。 (peep, shortsightedly)
21.费了好大劲儿,我才找到影院。 (with/by an effort)
22.如果再下点功夫,我能把计划安排得更好些 (with/by an effort)
23.请注意了,如果你选择邮购,那么咨询和售后服务则不能保证。(note, available)
24.你们必须尽可能快地完成这项重要任务,但同时也应该保证质量。(as well)
26.统计数字表明肺癌与吸烟有关的说法是正确的。(bear out)
28.约翰目前在从事保护野生鸟类的工作。(engage in)
29.教师应该具备的一种品质就是在课堂上控制自己个人情绪的能力。(to keep in check)
30.所有公民,不分种族、肤色、宗教信仰,都享有选举权。(irrespective of)
31.科学家们指出了两种方法来应对全球变暖的问题。(respond to)
32.这所大学已经造就了很多第一流的外交家。(turn out)
33.妇女占这个国家人口的60%。(make up)

1.传统大众媒介面临着互联网的挑战。(be faced with)

The traditional popular media have to be faced with the
challenges from the Internet.

2.希望你每月初付账单。( be expected to)

You are expected to pay your bills at the beginning of each

3.中国足球队失利了,但总体表现还不错。(as a whole)

Though the Chinese Football Team lost the game, its
performance as a whole is pretty good.


The investigation results seem to indicate that the poor and
dilapidated housing has a certain relationship with unhealthy bodies.

5.中秋节是主要庆祝活动是吃月饼和赏月。(center around)

The festive activities of the Mid-Autumn Day are centered
around eating the moon cakes and enjoying the moon.

6.打算在新年换工作的人们往往在圣诞节后开始行动。(intend to )

Those who intend to change their jobs by the New Year
usually start do so right after the Christmas Day.

7.他得到了五千元的现金,作为对他勇敢行为的奖励。(in recognition
of )

He got $5,000 in cash as an encouragement in recognition of
his heroic behavior.

make one’s way)

If a game is truly attractive, it will make its way to be
accepted by one people after another until all over the world.

9.这种化学物质是用来保持织物不易弯曲和褶皱。(free of)

This chemical material is used to keep the textures free of
winding or wrinkles.

10.这个问题我们只好留到下次会议讨论了。 (leave over)

We had no other choice but left over the issue for the next
meeting to discuss.


His came to the cities to seek his fortune but ended up in a


As everyone has seen the fact, why do you still persist that
you are not the one to blame?


The contractors of the federal government might lose the
very lucrative contracts if they persist in breaking the labor laws time and


The arrest of the criminal is mostly due to the careful
planning of the police rather than pure luck.

15..目前我们只好等一等看。(at present)

At present, we have to wait and see.

16.小心那些表里不一的人。 (appear
to be)

Be careful with those who appear to be different from who
they really are.

17.科学家们指出了两种方法来应对全球变暖的问题。(respond to)

The scientists point out two methods to respond to the issue
of the global warming.

terms of)

Paris plays an important role in France both in terms of its
politic dimensions and in economic power.

19.你们没有机会赢得这场比赛。 (stand a chance)

You don't stand a chance to win this match.

20.我透过窗户窥视,看见托尼正眯缝着双眼看电视。 (peep,

Peeping through the window, I saw Tony was watching the TV

21.费了好大劲儿,我才找到影院。 (with/by an effort)

I finally found the cinema with an effort.

22.如果再下点功夫,我能把计划安排得更好些 (with/by an

I can manage the plan much better if I do it with an effort.


Please be noted that the consultation or after sale service
might not be guanranteed if you choose to buy by mail.

24.你们必须尽可能快地完成这项重要任务,但同时也应该保证质量。(as well)

You should try your best to finish this important task and
maintain the quality as well.


Though a talented professor himself, he has his limitations
in being a managerial staff.

26.统计数字表明肺癌与吸烟有关的说法是正确的。(bear out)

The statistics bears out the saying that the lung cancer is
related to smoking.


She is quite frustrated to be a nurse but she can be a good
candidate to be a managerial staff.

28.约翰目前在从事保护野生鸟类的工作。(engage in)

John currently engages in the protection of the wild birds.

29.教师应该具备的一种品质就是在课堂上控制自己个人情绪的能力。(to keep
in check)

One requisite personality a teacher should have is that he
or she can keep his or her personal feelings in check in classes.


All the citizens have the right to vote irrespective of
their races, skin colors or religious believes.

31.科学家们指出了两种方法来应对全球变暖的问题。(respond to)

The scientists have pointed out two ways to respond to the
issue of the global warming.

32.这所大学已经造就了很多第一流的外交家。(turn out)

This university has turned out many first-class diplomats.


Women make up 60% of the population in this country.

第1个回答  2016-06-18
1.Traditional media will be faced with challenges from the Internet.
2.You are expected to pay your bills in early month.
3.Chinese football team failed,as a whole,they behaved well.
4.The survey results seem to indicate the relationship between poor housing conditions to unhealthy bodies.
5.Celebration activities in Mid-Autumn Festival center around eating moon cakes and watching the moon.
题主我尽力了 太多了 看的眼睛疼



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