

my day
I have his breakfast at 7:00 。 I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at 7:00 . I have noodles for breakfast.I go to school on foot at 7:10 . Class begin at 8:00 I have four classes in morning. At 11:30, He has lunch at school. . I have four classes in the afternoon. I have math ,English ,Chinese , and art ,i like them very much I Play football at half past four in the afternoon 。 i go home at 5:30. I have his supper at 6:00 I do his homework at 7:00. He watches TV for about half an hour . i go to bed at nine . This is my day 翻译 我六点起床。我吃早餐在7点。我吃面条为早餐。我在7:10步行上学。课程8点开始。我在早上有四节课。十一点半,我在学校吃午饭。。我有四节课在下午。我上数学,英语,中文,和艺术。我非常喜欢它们 我踢足球在下午4点半 ,我5:30回家。我吃晚餐6点 我在7点做作业。我看半个小时的电视。我九点上床睡觉。 这是我的一天

你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你
第1个回答  2019-09-08
today is tuesday,i always get,up at,half past six am,then i pink,walnut,at seven o'clock,i wash my face,and brush my teeth,and i have breakfast at half past seven,i do my homework at seven forty,at eight,I have lunch,at one o'clock PM,then igo out to play,how about you
第2个回答  2020-08-13
My day
My gets up at all seven 'clock。Eat breakfast at车。Seven twenty。
第3个回答  2019-04-07
第4个回答  2019-01-17



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