关于许嵩 本人想在英文课课前5分钟演讲一点关于VAE的内容。因为,超喜欢他呀。


首先,请看这张照片,你们知道是谁吗?是的,他就是我最喜欢的歌手——VAE。VAE出生于1986年,安徽人。他的歌非常好听,淡淡柔柔的声音里包含着清澈温柔。很容易打动你的心。并且他非常有才华。几乎所有的歌都是他自己作词作曲。他的文笔也很流畅、独特,在他高二时,曾在博客上发表过一篇文章,而这篇文章竟被选作当年江苏的高卡模拟语文阅读A篇,这着实令人敬佩。所以有很多人(最好用a great many,因为我现在上高一,正好学到这个)都喜欢他,但即使如此,他为人却很低调,不常露面。他拍过的唯一一部MV便是08年5.12汶川地震。为鼓励那些受伤的小朋友而拍的。他叫她们“天使”,这足以看出他是一个很有爱心、善良的人。所以,我非常喜欢他。最后,我想问一个问题,请问咱班有喜欢许嵩的吗?(哦,很可惜没有)/(太好了,我找到知己了)。我希望,大家也喜欢他!


First of all, please look at the picture, you know who? Yes, he is my favorite singer - VAE. VAE was born in 1986, anhui province. His song sounds very well, light gentle voice contained a clear gentleness. Easily touched your heart. And he's very talented. Almost all of the songs are his own and/or composer. His style of writing is also very fluent, unique, in his senior high school, was in blog published an article, but this article have been chosen for the high card simulation in jiangsu Chinese reading A piece, it is really admirable. So a lot of people like him, but even so, he is but very low-key, not often appear. He had patted the only a MV is 2008 wenchuan earthquake on May 12th. To encourage the injured children and shot. He called them "angel", it is enough to see that he is a very good-hearted, good people. So, I like him very much. Finally, I want to ask a question, excuse me the za class there are like XuSong? (oh, unfortunately no) / (too good, I find friends). I hope you also like him!
I wish you good luck
第1个回答  2010-11-13
First of all, please look at the picture, you know who? Yes, he is my favorite singer - VAE. VAE was born in 1986, anhui province. His song sounds very well, light gentle voice contained a clear gentleness. Easily touched your heart. And he's very talented. Almost all of the songs are his own and/or composer. His style of writing is also very fluent, unique, in his senior high school, was in blog published an article, but this article have been chosen for the high card simulation in jiangsu Chinese reading A piece, it is really admirable. So many people (preferably a related many, because I in grade one now, just learn this) all like him, but even so, he is but very low-key, not often appear. He had patted the only a MV is 2008 wenchuan earthquake on May 12th. To encourage the injured children and shot. He called them
第2个回答  2010-11-13
First of all, please look at the picture, you know who? Yes, he is my favorite singer - VAE. VAE was born in 1986, anhui province. His song sounds very well, light gentle voice contained a clear gentleness. Easily touched your heart. And he's very talented. Almost all of the songs are his own and/or composer. His style of writing is also very fluent, unique, in his senior high school, was in blog published an article, but this article have been chosen for the high card simulation in jiangsu Chinese reading A piece, it is really admirable. So many people (preferably a related many, because I in grade one now, just learn this) all like him, but even so, he is but very low-key, not often appear. He had patted the only a MV is 2008 wenchuan earthquake on May 12th. To encourage the injured children and shot. He called them
第3个回答  2010-11-13



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