


    名词:这是形容词最常见的用法,形容词用来描述名词的特性或属性。例如,“beautiful flowers”(美丽的花)。

    代词:形容词也可以用来描述代词所指代的对象。例如,“That’s a reliable source”(那是一个可靠的来源)。

    介词短语:形容词后可以跟介词短语,以进一步描述或限定名词或代词。例如,“ready for war”(准备战争)。

    从句:形容词后可以跟一个从句,这个从句用来详细说明或限定该形容词所描述的对象。例如,“He is the man who saved the child”(他是救了孩子的那个人)。

    副词:在某些情况下,形容词后可以跟副词,用来进一步描述或限定该形容词。例如,“extremely cold”(极其寒冷)。

    动词不定式:形容词后可以跟动词不定式,表示目的或结果。例如,“eager to please”(急于讨好)。

    比较级和最高级:形容词后可以跟比较级或最高级,用于表示程度的比较。例如,“more important”(更重要)。


第1个回答  2023-08-04
(福建·改编) The research group produced two reports based on the survey but didn't contain any useful suggestions.
Explanation: The correct pronoun to fill in the blank is "didn't." The original sentence lacks the auxiliary verb "didn't," which is necessary to form the negative past tense.
(陕西·改编) To warm himself, the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against the other.
Explanation: The pronoun "the other" is used here to refer back to "one bare foot," indicating that the sailor rubbed one foot against the other foot.
(浙江·改编) How would you like it if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you?
Explanation: The pronoun "it" is added to the sentence to refer to the situation or event mentioned in the previous part of the sentence. It helps clarify the meaning and makes the sentence more grammatically complete.
(天津·改编) The quality of education in this small school is better than that in some larger schools.
Explanation: The pronoun "that" is used to refer back to "the quality of education," helping to avoid repetition and make the sentence more concise.
(江西·改编) One can be good at something for 40 years if he loves it.
Explanation: The pronoun "he" is used as a gender-neutral pronoun to refer to a person in general. It is an appropriate choice in this context to indicate that anyone (regardless of gender) can be good at something for 40 years if they love it.
(辽宁·改编) To her joy, Della earned first the trust of her students and then that of her colleagues.
Explanation: The pronoun "that" is used here to refer back to "the trust," making the sentence clearer and more cohesive.
(山东·改编) I've lived in New York and Chicago, but don't like either of them very much.
Explanation: The pronoun "either" is used to show a choice between two options, in this case, New York and Chicago. The pronoun "them" is used to refer to the two cities, avoiding repetition.
(陕西·改编) Although Rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for years, she lost none of her enthusiasm for life.
Explanation: The pronoun "none" is used to emphasize that Rosemary did not lose any amount of her enthusiasm for life despite suffering from a serious illness.
(四川·改编) The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than that on the small ones.
Explanation: The pronoun "that" is used here to refer back to "the traffic on the main streets," making the comparison between the green signals on the main streets and the small ones clear and understandable.
(天津·改编) At our factory, there are a few machines similar to those described in this magazine.
Explanation: The pronoun "those" is used to refer back to "machines," indicating that the machines at the factory are similar to the ones described in the magazine.
(全国Ⅱ·改编) It's an either-or situation. We can buy a new car this year, or we can go on holiday, but we can't do both.
Explanation: The pronoun "both" is used here to refer to the two options mentioned before (buying a new car and going on holiday). It indicates that doing both options simultaneously is not possible in this situation.

(福建·改编) 研究小组基于调查制作了两份报告,但是没有包含任何有用的建议。
(陕西·改编) 为了取暖,水手坐在火前,用一只赤脚擦拭另一只脚。
(浙江·改编) 如果你正在看你最喜欢的电视节目,突然有人走进房间并把电视关掉,你会怎么样?
(天津·改编) 这所小学的教育质量比一些大学校要好。
(江西·改编) 如果他热爱某事,那么他能在这方面做到40年。
(辽宁·改编) 令她高兴的是,戴拉首先获得了学生的信任,然后是同事的信任。
(山东·改编) 我曾住在纽约和芝加哥,但我不太喜欢其中任何一个。
(陕西·改编) 虽然罗斯玛丽多年来一直患有严重的疾病,但她并没有失去对生活的任何热情。
(四川·改编) 主要街道上的交通灯绿灯时间比小街道上的绿灯时间长。
(天津·改编) 在我们的工厂里,有几台与杂志中描述的机器相似的机器。
(全国Ⅱ·改编) 这是一个非此即彼的情况。我们今年可以买一辆新车,或者我们可以去度假,但我们不能两者兼得。




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