


The broken vase was glued back together. (broken - 过去分词,修饰vase)

The children, tired from playing all day, fell asleep early. (tired - 现在分词,修饰children)

The cake, baked to perfection, smelled delicious. (baked - 过去分词,修饰cake)

The movie, directed by Steven Spielberg, was a huge success. (directed - 过去分词,修饰movie)

The man, standing on the corner, was waiting for a bus. (standing - 现在分词,修饰man)

The car, parked in the garage, was safe from the storm. (parked - 过去分词,修饰car)

The book, written by J.K. Rowling, is a bestseller. (written - 过去分词,修饰book)

The dog, wagging its tail, was happy to see its owner. (wagging - 现在分词,修饰dog)

The house, built in the 1800s, has a lot of history. (built - 过去分词,修饰house)

The woman, wearing a red dress, caught everyone's attention. (wearing - 现在分词,修饰woman)

The singer, accompanied by a pianist, gave a beautiful performance. (accompanied - 过去分词,修饰singer)

The fish, caught by the fisherman, was cooked for dinner. (caught - 过去分词,修饰fish)

The boy, frightened by the loud noise, ran to his mother. (frightened - 过去分词,修饰boy)

The teacher, pleased with the students' progress, gave them a reward. (pleased - 过去分词,修饰teacher)

The flowers, watered every day, grew tall and strong. (watered - 过去分词,修饰flowers)

The man, confused by the directions, asked for help. (confused - 过去分词,修饰man)

The baby, crying loudly, needed to be comforted. (crying - 现在分词,修饰baby)

The door, painted green, brightened up the room. (painted - 过去分词,修饰door)

The athlete, injured during the game, had to be taken to the hospital. (injured - 过去分词,修饰athlete)

The child, fascinated by the butterfly, followed it around the garden. (fascinated - 过去分词,修饰child)

The plane, flown by a skilled pilot, landed safely. (flown - 过去分词,修饰plane)

The movie, starring Tom Cruise, was a box office hit. (starring - 现在分词,修饰movie)

The building, destroyed by the earthquake, had to be rebuilt. (destroyed - 过去分词,修饰building)

The student, studying hard for the exam, got an A. (studying - 现在分词,修饰student)

The woman, surrounded by her family, felt loved and happy. (surrounded - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The bird, chirping in the tree, woke me up early. (chirping - 现在分词,修饰bird)

The painting, created by a famous artist, was worth millions. (created - 过去分词,修饰painting)

The child, helped by her mother, learned to ride a bike. (helped - 过去分词,修饰child)

The car, driven by a young man, was speeding down the road. (driven - 过去分词,修饰car)

The woman, dressed in a formal gown, looked stunning. (dressed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The boy, excited about his birthday party, invited all his friends. (excited - 过去分词,修饰boy)

The house, decorated for Christmas, looked festive and cheerful. (decorated - 过去分词,修饰house)

The man, bitten by a mosquito, had an allergic reaction. (bitten - 过去分词,修饰man)

The child, lost in the park, was found by a police officer. (lost - 过去分词,修饰child)

The woman, amazed by the view, took a lot of pictures. (amazed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The flowers, picked from the garden, were arranged in a vase. (picked - 过去分词,修饰flowers)

The woman, fascinated by the history of the city, took a guided tour. (fascinated - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The cat, frightened by the dog, ran and hid under the bed. (frightened - 过去分词,修饰cat)

The boy, fascinated by dinosaurs, wanted to be a paleontologist. (fascinated - 过去分词,修饰boy)

The woman, exhausted from a long day at work, went straight to bed. (exhausted - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The cake, made from scratch, tasted delicious. (made - 过去分词,修饰cake)

The child, covered in mud, needed a bath. (covered - 过去分词,修饰child)

The man, dressed in a suit and tie, looked professional. (dressed - 过去分词,修饰man)

The woman, surrounded by nature, felt peaceful and relaxed. (surrounded - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The book, written in Spanish, was translated into English. (written - 过去分词,修饰book)

The woman, amazed by the fireworks, clapped and cheered. (amazed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The boy, excited about his new toy, played with it all day. (excited - 过去分词,修饰boy)

The woman, impressed by the speaker's speech, joined the organization. (impressed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The dog, wagging its tail happily, greeted its owner at the door. (wagging - 现在分词,修饰dog)

The man, annoyed by the noise, put on his headphones. (annoyed - 过去分词,修饰man)

The child, frightened by the thunder, ran to its mother. (frightened - 过去分词,修饰child)

The woman, surrounded by her friends, had a great time at the party. (surrounded - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The house, owned by a famous actor, was featured in a magazine. (owned - 过去分词,修饰house)

The woman, amazed by the beauty of the sunset, took a picture. (amazed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The car, parked in a no-parking zone, got a ticket. (parked - 过去分词,修饰car)

The child, excited about going to Disneyland, couldn't sleep. (excited - 过去分词,修饰child)

The woman, impressed by the museum's collection, became a member. (impressed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The cat, scared by the loud noise, hid under the bed. (scared - 过去分词,修饰cat)

The woman, amazed by the acrobat's performance, applauded loudly. (amazed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The man, surrounded by his family, felt loved and happy. (surrounded - 过去分词,修饰man)

The bird, perched on a branch, sang a beautiful song. (perched - 过去分词,修饰bird)

The woman, inspired by the book, wrote her own novel. (inspired - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The car, driven by a professional driver, won the race. (driven - 过去分词,修饰car)

The woman, annoyed by the noise, asked her neighbor to be quiet. (annoyed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The child, fascinated by the stars, wanted to be an astronaut. (fascinated - 过去分词,修饰child)

The woman, surrounded by her grandchildren, felt happy and content. (surrounded - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The dog, barking loudly, woke up the whole neighborhood. (barking - 现在分词,修饰dog)

The woman, amazed by the magic show, couldn't figure out the tricks. (amazed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The man, surrounded by nature, felt peaceful and relaxed. (surrounded - 过去分词,修饰man)

The cake, baked by a professional baker, looked and tasted amazing. (baked - 过去分词,修饰cake)

The woman, impressed by the art exhibit, bought a painting. (impressed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The man, surrounded by his friends, had a great time at the party. (surrounded - 过去分词,修饰man)

The child, scared by the thunderstorm, crawled into bed with his parents. (scared - 过去分词,修饰child)

The woman, amazed by the singer's voice, bought his album. (amazed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The dog, wagging its tail eagerly, waited for its owner to come home. (wagging - 现在分词,修饰dog)

The woman, surrounded by her coworkers, felt appreciated and valued. (surrounded - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The child, fascinated by the ocean, collected seashells on the beach. (fascinated - 过去分词,修饰child)

The woman, tired from a long day at work, wanted to take a nap. (tired - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The car, parked in a handicapped spot, got towed away. (parked - 过去分词,修饰car)

The woman, excited about her new job, started on Monday. (excited - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The man, impressed by the movie's special effects, watched it twice. (impressed - 过去分词,修饰man)

The woman, surrounded by her family and friends, celebrated her birthday. (surrounded - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The child, fascinated by the zoo animals, wanted to be a zookeeper. (fascinated - 过去分词,修饰child)

The woman, amazed by the view from the mountain top, took a deep breath. (amazed - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The car, driven by a reckless driver, caused a car accident. (driven - 过去分词,修饰car)

The cat, purring contentedly, curled up on its owner's lap. (purring - 现在分词,修饰cat)

The woman, surrounded by her students, felt proud of their accomplishments. (surrounded - 过去分词,修饰woman)

The child, excited about the carnival, couldn't wait to go on



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