

Leave me out with the waste 忘了我吧(礼物米奥特为日热维斯特)
This is not what i do 这不是我的所作所为(Z斯异日陆特沃特爱杜)
It's the wrong kind of place 这真是一个错误的地点(异日热让看得傲我普雷日)
To be thinking of you 来想念你(图壁神克奥武油)
It's the wrong time 这真是错误的时间(异日热让太木)
For somebody new 去另寻新欢(夫三宝得牛)
It's a small crime 这只是小小的一宗罪(日以热额思茅克瑞木)
And i've got no exuse 但我没有任何借口(按的爱武高特弄一克斯Q日)
Is that alright? 那样可以吗?(异日人特奥瑞特)
Give my gun away when it's loaded 把那把上膛的枪给我吧(给武卖刚额为温异日雷得)
Is that alright? 那样可以吗?(异日热特奥瑞特)
If u dont shoot it how am i supposed to hold it 你若不开枪叫我怎么解脱(衣服东特修特意特好爱木爱色破特图厚特意特)
Is that alright? 那样可以吗?(异日热特奥瑞特)
Give my gun away when it's loaded 当我的枪装满子弹就把它扔了吧(给武卖刚额为温异日雷得)
Is that alright? 那样可以吗?(异日热特奥瑞特)
Leave me out with the waste 忘了我吧
This is not what i do 这不是我的所作所为
It's the wrong kind of place 这真是一个错误的地点
To be cheating on you 来欺骗你
It's the wrong time 这真是错误的时间
she's pulling me through 但是她要和我一起渡过难关
It's a small crime 这只是小小的一宗罪
And I've got no exuse 但我没有任何借口
Is that alright? 那样可以吗?(异日热特奥瑞特)
Give my gun away when it's loaded 把那把上膛的枪给我吧
Is that alright? 那样可以吗?(异日热特奥瑞特)
If u dont shoot it how am i supposed to hold it 你若不开枪叫我怎么解脱
Is that alright? 那样可以吗?(异日热特奥瑞特)
Give my gun away when it's loaded 当我的枪装满子弹就把它扔了吧
Is that alright 那样可以吗?(异日热特奥瑞特)
Is that alright with u? 那样对你来说可以吗?
Is that alright? 那样可以吗?(异日热特奥瑞特)
Is that alright? 那样可以吗?(异日热特奥瑞特)
Is that alright with u? 那样对你来说可以吗?有重复的哦!



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