

《潮语词典》,蔡俊明,周法高发行.台北 三民书局代售,1976
《潮语词典补编,国潮语汇》,蔡俊明,台北 台湾学生书局出版,1979
1,潮汕话初级教程,Williams Dean 璘为仁,暹罗曼谷,1841
2,汕头话口语语法基础教程(Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar [colloquial]: Containing a List of Syllables Representing the Sounds Used in Pronouncing the Tie-Chiu Dialect Prepared by S. B. Patridge),Ashmore 耶士谟,英华书局(English Presbyterian Mission Press), 1884
3,A Chinese and English Vocabulary in the Tie-Chiu Dialect, Josiah Goddard高德,Bangkok Mission Press,1847
4,English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow,Rudolf Lecheler黎力基,英华书局,1883
5,Handbook of the Swatow Dialect with Vocabulary Entry,Herbert Allen Giles 翟理斯,上海1877
6,A First Lessons in the Swatow Dialect,Swatow Printing Office Company, A. M. Fielde菲尔德,1878
7,A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect,A. M. Fielde 菲尔德,上海美华书局(American Presbyterian Mission Press), 1883
8,Manual of Swatow Vernacular with a Dictionary of Some of the More Important Words in the Swatow Dialect, 新加坡: Kohn Yen Hean Press, 1886
9,A Swatow Index to the Syllable Dictionary of Chinese by S. Wells Williams, of Amoy by Carstairs Douglas,John Campbell Gibson 汲约翰,汕头英华书局, 1886
10,潮正两音字集(The Swatow Syllabary Mandarin Pronounciation),John Steele 施约翰,上海英华书局1909。




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