

你说的是just做副词时的用法吧?\r\n 1.意思为"正好,恰好" \r\nHe arrived just as I was leaving.我刚要走时,他就来了. \r\n2."只,仅" \r\nthat's just for you.那是只给你的.\r\n 3."时间不长,刚刚" \r\nthey've been away for just two weeks. \r\n这个就是用在现在完成时里,要放在have后. \r\n也可以用于一般现在时等.如 \r\nThe skirt comes to just below her knees.裙子刚过她的膝盖.\r\n 4.表命令语气. \r\njust do as you are told! \r\n5."勉强" \r\nI could just see her in the distance.我勉强能看见她在远处. \r\n还有几个常用的介词短语 \r\njust about差不多 \r\njust now现在,刚才 \r\njust the same尽管那样
第1个回答  2022-07-21




  1. 多用于中,置于动词与之间,意为“刚才,刚刚”。

  I have just finished my homework.我刚刚做完家庭作业。


  The bell just rang. 铃刚响过。

  2. 恰恰,正好(不用于否定句中,相当于exactly)

  It's just half past six. 正好六点半。

  That's just what he wanted. 那正是他所要的。

  (否定句为:That's not quite what he wanted. 那不是他所要的。)

  3. 就是,就要(加强语气)

  I live just round the corner. 我就住在拐弯附近。

  4. 相当于only,意为“仅仅,只是”。

  He is just a child. 他仅仅是一个孩子。

  I just want to talk to you. 我只是想和你谈谈。

  5. 用于中,以引起对某事的注意,有时可以使语气婉转,意为“就请,尽管……好了”。

  Just (=Please) come here a moment. 请过来一下。

  Just listen to me!就请听一听我说!

  6. 用于形容词前,意为“太”、“真”、“非常”,常用于口语中。

  I am just happy. 我太高兴了。

  The concert was just splendid. 音乐会真不错。

  7. 用于其它副词前,不含什么意义。

  It is just about enough. 差不多了。

  He is just about there. 他就在那附近。


  1. 相当于fair或upright,意为“正义的,正直的”、“公平的,公正的”。

  My brother is a very just man.我哥哥是一个很正直的人。

  The law is just.法律是公正的。

  2. 合理的,适当的

  It is a just claim. 这是正当的要求。

  He gave a just opinion. 他提了一个合理的意见。

  3. 应得的

  This is your just reward. 这是你应得的报酬。

  That man received a just punishment. 那个人受到了应得的惩罚。


  1. just now

  (1) 用于过去时,意为“刚才”,即a moment ago。

  She was here just now. 她刚才还在这儿。

  (2)用于现在时,意为“这会儿,眼下”,即at this moment。

  I'm free just now. 我这会儿有空。

  2. just as 正如,恰似(as后加表示方式的)

  She loves singing just as her mother did.她喜欢唱歌,正像她妈妈过去喜欢唱歌一样。

  3. just then 就在那时

  Just then, he came in. 就在那时,他进来了。

  4. just about 几乎,差不多

  Just about everyone came to hear the man speak. 几乎每个人都来听那个人演讲。

  5. just the same 照样,尽管……还,完全一样

  It was raining, but he arrived just the same.尽管天下着雨,但他还是及时到了。




  1. 多用于完成时态中,置于动词与助动词之间,意为“刚才,刚刚”。

  I have just finished my homework.我刚刚做完家庭作业。


  The bell just rang. 铃刚响过。

  2. 恰恰,正好(不用于否定句中,相当于exactly)

  It's just half past six. 正好六点半。

  That's just what he wanted. 那正是他所要的。

  (否定句为:That's not quite what he wanted. 那不是他所要的。)

  3. 就是,就要(加强语气)

  I live just round the corner. 我就住在拐弯附近。

  4. 相当于only,意为“仅仅,只是”。

  He is just a child. 他仅仅是一个孩子。

  I just want to talk to you. 我只是想和你谈谈。

  5. 用于祈使句中,以引起对某事的注意,有时可以使语气婉转,意为“就请,尽管……好了”。 Just (=Please) come here a moment. 请过来一下。

  Just listen to me!就请听一听我说!

  6. 用于形容词前,意为“太”、“真”、“非常”,常用于口语中。

  I am just happy. 我太高兴了。

  The concert was just splendid. 音乐会真不错。

  7. 用于其它副词前,不含什麽意义。

  It is just about enough. 差不多了。

  He is just about there. 他就在那附近。


  1. 相当于fair或upright,意为“正义的,正直的”、“公平的,公正的”。

  My brother is a very just man.我哥哥是一个很正直的人。

  The law is just.法律是公正的。

  2. 合理的,适当的

  It is a just claim. 这是正当的要求。

  He gave a just opinion. 他提了一个合理的意见。

  3. 应得的

  This is your just reward. 这是你应得的报酬。

  That man received a just punishment. 那个人受到了应得的惩罚。


  1. just now

  (1) 用于过去时,意为“刚才”,即a moment ago。

  She was here just now. 她刚才还在这儿。

  (2)用于现在时,意为“这会儿,眼下”,即at this moment。

  I'm free just now. 我这会儿有空。

  2. just as 正如,恰似(as後加表示方式的状语从句)




  1. 多用于完成时态中,置于动词与助动词之间,意为“刚才,刚刚”。

  I have just finished my homework.我刚刚做完家庭作业。


  The bell just rang. 铃刚响过。

  2. 恰恰,正好(不用于否定句中,相当于exactly)

  It's just half past six. 正好六点半。

  That's just what he wanted. 那正是他所要的。

  (否定句为:That's not quite what he wanted. 那不是他所要的。)

  3. 就是,就要(加强语气)

  I live just round the corner. 我就住在拐弯附近。

  4. 相当于only,意为“仅仅,只是”。

  He is just a child. 他仅仅是一个孩子。

  I just want to talk to you. 我只是想和你谈谈。

  5. 用于祈使句中,以引起对某事的注意,有时可以使语气婉转,意为“就请,尽管……好了”。 Just (=Please) come here a moment. 请过来一下。

  Just listen to me!就请听一听我说!

  6. 用于形容词前,意为“太”、“真”、“非常”,常用于口语中。

  I am just happy. 我太高兴了。

  The concert was just splendid. 音乐会真不错。

  7. 用于其它副词前,不含什麽意义。

  It is just about enough. 差不多了。

  He is just about there. 他就在那附近。


  1. 相当于fair或upright,意为“正义的,正直的”、“公平的,公正的”。

  My brother is a very just man.我哥哥是一个很正直的人。

  The law is just.法律是公正的。

  2. 合理的,适当的

  It is a just claim. 这是正当的要求。

  He gave a just opinion. 他提了一个合理的意见。

  3. 应得的

  This is your just reward. 这是你应得的报酬。

  That man received a just punishment. 那个人受到了应得的惩罚。


  1. just now

  (1) 用于过去时,意为“刚才”,即a moment ago。

  She was here just now. 她刚才还在这儿。

  (2)用于现在时,意为“这会儿,眼下”,即at this moment。

  I'm free just now. 我这会儿有空。

  2. just as 正如,恰似(as後加表示方式的状语从句)

  Try his home number─he might just be there. 试试他家的号码他也许在那儿。



  There are only a limited number of tickets available. 剩下的票数量很有限。

  The bar is for members only. 这间酒吧只对会员开放。

  You only have to look at her to see she doesn't eat enough. 你只消看一眼就知道她进食不够多。 Only five people turned up. 仅有五个人到场。

  no more than; no longer than 只有;仅;刚刚

  She's only 21 and she runs her own business. 她只有 21 岁就经营起自己的企业了。

  It only took a few seconds. 那只需要几秒钟。

  It took only a few seconds. 那只需要几秒钟。

  not until (直到)…才;(只是)…才

  We only got here yesterday. 我们昨天才到这裏。

  Only then did she realize the stress he was under. 直到那时她才意识到他所承受的压力。 written used to say that somebody can do no more than what is mentioned, although this is probably not enough 仅此而已;只能

  We can only guess what happened. 我们只能猜测发生了什麼事。





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