
Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country.Joint Quality Engineering Data.Web Site Green Parts DataBase.'Who am I?' When I recall the past, I can't help asking myself, feeling weird and not myself to do that something in the past. Yet they were there.nice manners.casual acquaintances.highly saturated color.brilliant sunlight.if you have a movie that's in both mandarin and cantonese are there two seperate versions in either region of the country? cause i seen jing wu men where bruce lee dubs a voice in english. do they have chinese subtitles when they do that?

Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country.每个人对自己的国家都有一种共同的使命感。
Joint Quality Engineering Data联合质量工程数据。
Web Site Green Parts DataBase.网站自然数据库。
'Who am I?' When I recall the past, I can't help asking myself, feeling weird and not myself to do that something in the past. Yet they were there“我是谁?”当我回想过去,我禁不住问自己,觉得不可思议的是自己曾做过的某些事。历历在目。
nice manners彬彬有礼
casual acquaintances.过客。
highly saturated color.brilliant sunlight.饱和度高的颜色。灿烂的阳光。
if you have a movie that's in both mandarin and cantonese are there two seperate versions in either region of the country?你有普通话和广东话一起的,在全国任何一地都有两种独立的译本的电影吗?
cause i seen jing wu men where bruce lee dubs a voice in english. do they have chinese subtitles when they do that?因为我看的“精武门”里李小龙是英语配音,他们是否有中文字幕呢?




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