寻找一个 有过艰难童年 但是取得了很大的成就的人. 用英文。最好是中国名人

寻找一个 有过艰难童年 但是取得了很大的成就的人. 用英文。最好是中国名人

西汉时候,有个农民的孩子,叫匡衡。他小时候很想读书,可是因为家里穷,没钱上学。后来,他跟一个亲戚学认字,才有了看书的能力。 匡衡买不起书,只好借书来读。那个时候,书是非常贵重的,有书的人不肯轻易借给别人。匡衡就在农忙的时节,给有钱的人家打短工,不要工钱,只求人家借书给他看。 过了几年,匡衡长大了,成了家里的主要劳动力。他一天到晚在地里干活,只有中午歇晌的时候,才有工夫看一点书,所以一卷书常常要十天半月才能够读完。匡衡很着急,心里想:白天种庄稼,没有时间看书,我可以多利用一些晚上的时间来看书。可是匡衡家里很穷,买不起点灯的油,怎么办呢? 有一天晚上,匡衡躺在床上背白天读过的书。背着背着,突然看到东边的墙壁上透过来一线亮光。他嚯地站起来,走到墙壁边一看,啊!原来从壁缝里透过来的是邻居的灯光。于是,匡衡想了一个办法:他拿了一把小刀,把墙缝挖大了一些。这样,透过来的光亮也大了,他就凑着透进来的灯光,读起书来。 匡衡就是这样刻苦学习,勤俭节约,后来成了一个很有学问的人。

Western Han Dynasty, there is a child of farmers, called Kuangheng. He was a boy wanted to read, but because the family was poor, no money to go to school. Later, he and a relative reading and have the ability to read. Kuangheng could not afford books, had to borrow books to read. At that time, the book is very valuable, there are books just will not easily lend. Kuangheng in the busy season, day laborers for rich people, not wages, so the only people borrow books for him. After a few years, Kuangheng grew up, became the home of the main labor force. He worked all day in the ground, and only when the noon Xieshang, only to see something a little paper in the book of often 10 days to finish a half months. Kuangheng very anxious thought: during the day to plant crops, there is no time for reading, I can use some time to look at the book. However Kuangheng poor family, can not afford oil for the light, how should we do? One night, Kuangheng back in bed reading a book during the day. Carrying carrying, suddenly saw the wall of the east line through to light. Ooh he stood up, went to the wall side of a look, ah! Originally from Bifeng seeped over from the neighbor's lights. So Kuangheng thought one way: He took a small knife to dig too big Qiang Feng. In this way, through to the light are also great, and he came through on Couzhe lighting for reading. Kuangheng is so hard to learn, practice, and later became a very learned man.


Ouyang Xiu year-old death of his father, with his uncle grew up in the current Suizhou, Hubei, juvenile from a poor family without funds, the mother to Di Zheng painting, the teaching to literacy. Ouyang Xiu love reading since childhood, often from South Lee library readings, he was naturally gifted, but also hard hard, often copied the book not wait, has been able to become chant; Youth Project Poetry article, sophisticated writing style, like adults, his uncle by the This saw the hope of revitalizing the family, had Ouyang Xiu's mother, said: "Sister of young children not to a poor family in mind, this strange child also! not the only big I started to the door, in the future when the world will re-name." ten years old , Ouyang Xiu Tang from Li was "Chang Li Collection" volumes, and even love its culture, Shoubushijuan, this movement for the future Hardship sowed the seeds.

明朝时候有个大画家,名叫王冕,最擅长画荷花,许多人为了要获要他的荷花画,都不辞辛苦,从老远的地方赶来。 王冕虽然很有名,但时小时候却很贫困,白天只好替人放牛,晚上自己自修。有一天,王冕在湖边放牛时,忽然下起一阵雨,一会儿雨停了,但是湖里的荷花和荷叶却被雨水冲洗得非常干净。王冕看了非常喜爱,便想把它画下来,于是赶紧用身上的一点零用钱买了纸和笔来开始作画。起初画得不怎么好,仍然不停地画,最后终于越画越像,就跟真的一样。王冕便把荷花画拿去卖,卖得钱拿回家孝敬母亲。王冕因为荷花画得很好,许多人争着要买,他的环境便因此渐渐好转,不再替人放牛了。同时他的名声也渐渐远播,终于成为一个全国有名的大画家。

Ming had a big time artist named Wang Mian, the most adept at painting flowers, and many people have to be to his lotus paintings, all the trouble, came from far away places. Wang Mian Although famous, but when a child is very poor, had to help people put out to pasture during the day, evening their own self-study. One day, Wang Mian cattle grazing in the lake when suddenly it began a shower, while the rain stopped, but the lake of lotus and lotus leaves have been washed very clean water. Wang Mian looked very much like, we want to draw it down, then hurriedly body little bit more money to buy a paper and pencil to start drawing. At first painting Debu how good, still kept painting, and finally paint more like, just do the same. Wang Mian Bianba lotus picture sell them, sell money to honor his mother to take home. Wang Mian lotus paintings as well, many people scrambling to buy, he gradually improved environment will therefore no longer restricted to the cattle grazing the. At the same time his reputation has gradually spread far and wide, and eventually became a national famous painter.
第1个回答  2010-06-09
【Zhang Zuolin】
Word rain. 1875 March 19 (clear) was born on February 12 in guangxu period. Since 1916, in Japan, reared overseers northeast long reign. 1920 the northern warlords government control. In 1922 by direct defeat, return the northeast. In 1924, control of beiyang government again. In 1927 in Beijing government organizations. In 1928, returned to defeat by Chiang kai-shek's troops were killed in the northeast way huanggu tuen mun. There are two main said its origin. One of shandong province, said. The grand marshal armies and gigantic navies of the republic of China "and HangZhuang zhang wrote:" so do, male, rain showers, far ancestral home of haicheng reared in shandong, sweet, very early qing XiJu haicheng. ZuFa industry, says meat." "HangZhuang" is past the family members of the deceased narration, native place, the descent of commemorative events. This is called "the shandong province of shandong, ancestral home," said. One for hebei said. Hebei province of hebei dacheng, hebei golds, hebei axis three said. The roc armies and gigantic navies admiral thrawn zhang male rain pavilion originally "wrote:" so do, words and showers. Its first for rain in the late qing dynasty, moving Mukden zhili haicheng." This inscription is ZangShiYi chief led overseers department director and eight sign, zhang admiral thrawn arm." This clearly say "the first man", which is the zhili, said the hebei province of hebei. From the historical records, ZhangZuoLin ancestral home is in the said. Because most of the hebei province, said he also claim that his ancestral home is DaChengXian in hebei province, ZhangZuoLin DaChengXian hebei originally for. According to the city of editing and local old ancestral records, ZhangZuoLin DaChengXian in hebei province, south FengZhuang rotary zhao in war, ZhangZuoLin once home, but due to confess fathers in that the old man against the young as "beard" - the horse thief, a disgrace to say about aristocrats WuPeiFu failure; direct and not to offend people), this ZhangZuoLin always. Because of life, their progenitor aspects ZhangYongGui ran into the northeast, engaged in agricultural reclamation. To his grandfather ZhangFaShi, engaged in farming, "says meat sealing". So-called "seal" refers to GuanJue although no city, and seal the seal. It is said that that's in ZhangFaShi is rich. Fourth, the third ZhangFaYou son is the father, who ZhangZuoLin ZhangYouCai. "The fathers died, his father to tuck in the small hollow, haicheng in driving palm temple village set forth business". After the death of ZhangFa possessions among the brothers, a few people. ZhangYouCai took his share of the property, came to the haicheng. His father is ZhangYouCai idlers. First open a small grocery store, little income. Later, his store closed to work all day, gambling mucking. Because owe somebody else a gambling debt, was his enemy killed them. ZhangZuoLin 13 years old that year. ZhangZuoLin had no money to study, but have a good teacher to help him. The teacher was YangJingZhen, then teach xue. One day, he saw a child secretly window to his lecture. Curiously ask, children in that ZhangZuoLin called replied: "I, I am willing to study, poor, couldn't go to school, so often here listening." Mr Yang felt the child to read is good, is free to let him at school, also gave his paper. This is the ZhangZuoLin has 13 years old. So, ZhangZuoLin read a private. Here, he laid a preliminary cultural basis. This in his life is very important. Thanksgiving, he later ZhangZuoLin know when the roc army fuel-injected teacher teachers, don't forget the old friendship, specially YangJingZhen please to shenyang, in the home has opened. He was with his books. This is way down the line. After the death of his father, and family life more difficult, no way, mother had raised with four children to ZhenAnXian (HeiShanXian) small black maiden erdaogou nearby. ZhangZuoLin has two brothers and one sister. Her life is very difficult, and add a fifth mouth, can't continue to live. ZhangZuoLin cannot expect home, only to HunFan society.

参考资料:《Zhang Zuolin》

第2个回答  2010-06-09
第3个回答  2010-06-09



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