
Online degree programs have come a long way since their early days. Traditional colleges and universities have developed distance learning programs to accommodate individuals who would not otherwise have the time or funds to earn an advanced degree. Online programs require the same amount of study and work as a classroom program. If you are under the impression that courses offered online will be a walk in the park, think again! Online degree programs are often more difficult than traditional university programs due to the fact the work and study is left up to the student. Time management skills are crucial, since there is not a particular time of the day set aside specifically for study. It may take some time to become accustomed to this method of scholarship, but the pros of online classes may outweigh the cons in your situation.
The main difference between online degree programs and traditional higher education is the location of learning. Instead of being confined to a stuffy classroom filled with students, these online classes have a more personal feeling. While many students would be hesitant to speak one to one with a class instructor, online programs find their students more willing to contact their professors via e-mail. This great participation encourages better understanding of the course material. Of course, not attending a class also comes with additional barriers. A student must be equipped with time management skills in order to succeed in an online class. Students that lack the proper time management skills may find themselves overwhelmed with course work at the end of the semester or falling behind in their studies.
Whether you choose to attend a traditional college or university or enroll in an online higher education program, the chances of success are equal. In the end, it is up to you in order to complete the course of study and earn your degree. For busy individuals or students wishing to return to school without greatly affecting their everyday lives, an online degree program may be the best option.

第1个回答  2010-06-09
第2个回答  2010-06-09
第3个回答  2019-07-10




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