

With the developing of the ecnomic,the traffic condictions in some big cities is becoming more and more worse,especially in the rush hour.People waste a lot of time in waiting the bus or in their way home.It's time the government take measures to improve the traffic conditiongs.随着经济的发展,一些大城市的交通状况正变得越来越糟糕,特别是在交通高峰期.人们花费很多时间在等公共汽车和在回家的路上.是时候政府去采取措施来改善交通状况了.
In my view,first,government should broad the road to make more cars pass through.second,people should be encouraged to go by bus or bike instead of pravite cars,this will definitely reduce the air pollution as well.Third,people can go by subway in the rush hours.我觉得,第一,政府应该拓宽道路使更多的车辆通行,第二,应该鼓励人们用过搭公共汽车或着单车来代替私人汽车出行,这也同时减少了空气污染.第三,人们可以在交通高峰期乘坐地铁.
In a word ,I believe that we can improve our traffic condictions if we try our best.一句话,我相信,只要我们努力,就一定能改善我们的交通状况.
第1个回答  2023-06-07
The Causes of Traffic Congestion and Some Suggestions

Traffic congestion has become a serious problem in many big cities nowadays. There are several reasons for it.

Firstly, the rapid growth of car ownership is one of the major causes of traffic congestion. As more and more people can afford to buy cars, the number of cars on the road has increased dramatically. This means that there are too many cars fighting for limited road space, resulting in traffic jams.

Secondly, the poor infrastructure in some areas also contributes to traffic congestion. Many roads are narrow and winding, making it difficult for vehicles to pass each other. In addition, the lack of proper public transport facilities means that more people have to rely on cars to travel, which further aggravates traffic congestion.

Thirdly, the tendency of drivers to block intersections also leads to traffic congestion. When drivers try to get across an intersection on a red light, they end up blocking the intersection, causing traffic to back up in all directions.

To tackle this problem, some suggestions can be put forward. One possible solution is to improve the public transportation system. If the public transportation system is effective and efficient enough, people will be less likely to use their own cars, thus reducing both air pollution and traffic congestion.

Another approach is to develop smart traffic management systems. With the use of modern technology, traffic flow can be monitored and regulated in real time. This will help to reduce bottlenecks and minimize traffic congestion.

Finally, stricter enforcement of traffic rules and regulations can also help to alleviate traffic congestion. Drivers who break the law and cause traffic jams should be penalized accordingly.

In conclusion, traffic congestion is a complex problem with numerous causes. However, by implementing these suggestions, we can make progress towards solving it and ultimately make our streets and roads more efficient and safer for all.



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