英语题 不会 高手指点

1. What about___________to the concert with us?
A. we go
B. we going
C. going
D. to go
2. Now the need______________other people's language is becoming greater and greater.
A. to learn
B. learning
C. to be learned
D. being learned
3. Mother caught the boy___________in the corner.
A. smoke
B. to smoke
C. smoking
D. being smoked
4. It is foolish_________such a mistake.
A. for me to make
B. for me making
C. of me to make
D. of me making
5. Will you show me________my bike?
A. to put in where
B. to where put where
C. where to put
D. where to put in
6. --"Did you close the door?"
--"Yes, I remember___________it."

A. to close
B. to closing
C. closing
D. closed
7. She was seen_____________model ships in the room.
A. made
B. to make
C. makes
D. make
8. It is no good_____________, You should give_______.
A. to smoke, it up
B. smoking, it up
C. smoking, up it
D. to smoke, up it
9. The clock was beginning__________twelve and everybody held their breath.
A. strike
B. to strike
C. striking
D. struck
10. The police forbid____________here.
A. park
B. parking
C. to park
D. to be parked
11. I wondered whether the film was_______________worth__________.
A. very, to see
B. well, seeing
C. very, begin seen
D. well, to be seen
12. Alice said that she wouldn't mind __________ alone at home.
A. left
B. being left
C. to be left
D. leaving

13. John left his coat___________on the sofa.
A. laying
B. lying
C. laid
D. lain
14. I heard him_____________so.
A. says
B. saying
C. say
D. said
15. Please excuse my________________in without
A. come, asking
B. coming, asking
C. to come, being asked
D. coming, being asked
16. The water is good______________ .
A. to drink it
B. to be drunk
C. to drink
D. at drinking
17. He kept me_____________for many hours.
A. to wait
B. having been waited
C. waiting
D. waited
18. Why do you have the water____________all the time?
A. ran
B. to be running
C. running
D. being running
19. Can you imagine yourself __________on a desert island?
A. staying
B. stay
C. have stayed
D. being stayed
20. I went to see him___________him out.
A. finding
B. find
C. only to find
D. only found




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